"Iowan Old Style/Constantia/Georgia/serif 20" "oc-gray-9 on oc-teal-0" "normal" "oc-pink-7" "oc-pink-7" "oc-grape-8 on oc-cyan-0" "16" "small caps" "oc-pink-7""oc-grape-8 on oc-cyan-0" "small caps" "16" "small caps" "oc-pink-7""oc-grape-8 on oc-cyan-0" "small caps"
config.footer.left: '{back link}' "[[Chapters]]"
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magi_think: false
arc_think: false
toil_think: false
iylem_think: false
me_think: false
penn_think: false
azuj_look: false
miyai_look: false
witn_done: false
conf_done: false
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#\*\*\* FIRST CONTACT *\*\*
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### by Piergiorgio d'Errico <br>Version 1.02<br>IFComp 2024 release
###[[ABOUT]] [[START->Bereshit]] [[CREDITS]]
_chimeTime: magi_think && arc_think && toil_think && iylem_think
Year 10.146, First day of the fifth month.
That is, my very first day at the Great Arcanorum of Pennsaran, so I'm here, in the large antechamber leading to the Great Hall for the inaugural lesson, with _too_ plenty time in advance, so, I sit on a bench, letting my mind free to wander, thinking about...
* [[Myself]]
* [[What means to be a Magi ->Magi]]
* [[The Great Arcanorum]]
* [[Pennsaran]]
* [[The studying and Toiling ahead ->Toiling]]
* [[My ancestral land, Rym Iylem ->rym Iylem]]
[if _chimeTime]
* [[Perhaps I have thought enough ? ->lastation]]
penn_think: true
Pennsaran is a small but ancient city, predating the Great Peace, and its culture, society and even economy revolve around its Great Arcanorum, as every arcanorum city or town.<br>
It is not far from Iylem, no more than seven or eight of the nine days of a week by carriage, much less by levitation or flying.<br>
During the last three days I have found time for some little strolling around, indeed it's a very nice small town with very nice people; I was a bit surprised that I did not feel uneasiness amidst roads flanked by houses, but is somewhat amazing that more souls than the ones living in the entire Rym of Iylem can live together in a much smaller space.
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[[BACK->Bereshit]]me_think: true
I love my name, Etuye Alasne Eniri rym Iylem.
Being a great Fey, commonly called "Elf", nearing the four dozen year, I'm at the end of the endowment age, and I must admit, I have an above average look and endowment<br>
above *Great Fey* average, that is: for many other species, I'm exceptionally beautiful...<br>
So, I don't hide that, with all the species here at the Arcanum, from Dragons to Nyanha, I'm a bit worried about having the need of pointing to guys that I'm aylisia, disappointing them...
I'm not anxious nor apprehensive, but I cared a bit more than usual about my appearance for my first day here:<br>
The gray cape and teal dress is definitively in order, as my well combed long purple hair, with my favorite hair detail, a pair of long locks in front of my long, pointy ears.<br>I have even carefully filed all twelve nails of my hands.
* [[There are many other species...->other species]]
* [[That I'm aylisia->being aylisia]]
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[[BACK->Bereshit]]I don't hide the double meaning of this story's title, being not only the first contact between a certain trio of an elf, a daemon and an angel, but is also _my_ first contact with a choice-based IF engine.
so, I apologise for all predictable naive mistakes in building a (not very much) choice-based IF story, Especially in first chapter, perhaps is too messed up...
Note that certain _peculiarities_ of Raileian society and physiology stems from my "speculative biology", musings. please, no golden banana on those peculiarities ;)
note that there's no save mechanisms, being written with twine-chapbook, but there's a chapter selection (and the story is short and very linear), so please feel free to take the pacing you like !
Prequels allows a strong containment of spoilers, but there will be some interesting surprises, I suppose, but some narrative element(s) perhaps will make more sense in late 2026 ;)
The code is released open-source, and I not only fully allow, but also
encourage non-profit derivative work in form of "fan fiction/art" in the spirit of Japanese dojinshi, only requirement, a complimentary copy of the derivative work. But I suggest waiting for more background material... ;)
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[[BACK->title screen]]Manon for helping in solving an issue.<br>
"n-n" for his betatesting and excellent reports and comments.<br>
"the Bak" for his encouragement and insights. Grazie !<br>
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[[BACK->title screen]]One of Railei's poetic names is "The world of many souls spread unto diverse species" and indeed many different sentient species walk, swim and fly the lands, waters and skies of Railei, from the mighty but wise Dragons to the tiny but *too* sprightly Pixies thru the Nyanha, and all of these seem to be represented here...
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[[BACK->Myself]]being aylisia... well, is very natural, sexuality is like a dawn, infinite shades of light and dark, but never a full night or full day, and I admit that sometimes I don't turn down a guy, but it's a real exception, I guess that I can count my welcoming of a Branch inside my Sanctuary on one hand, that is, less than six times...
On the other hand, well, I can count much more times on my hands having rubbed together the Sanctuaries, but disappointingly I never have felt that spark leading to longer relationship.<br>
(_but, after all, in one and a half millenia, surely I **will** find that spark_...)
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[[BACK->Myself]]magi_think: true
As a Gifted, I'm here to build a strong conviction in the ethical principles and gaining a deep, intimate, understanding of how the Gift acts inside my body.
As borne from Gifted parents, I know the basis they have taught me...
* [[The principles]]
* [[The Gift]]
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[[BACK->Bereshit]]arc_think: true
Walking along the halls of the Great Arcanorum of Pennsaran, one of the smallest of the Great Arcanorum, but it is one of the oldest, founded in the eighth year after the Great Peace, and its Rector is definitively one of the oldest active scholars. There's many things to think about:
* [[Arcanorum's history]]
* [[The Rector]]
* [[Great Peace]]
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[[BACK->Bereshit]]toil_think: true
I'm unchambered, that is, at the first of fourteen years during which I will learn how to tap and channel my Subtle and Toil toward cultivating the Ways of Subtle, mastering the ones I'm attuned to and gain at least a solid understanding the ones I'm not attuned, toward becoming a recognised full-fledged Magi. And the extensive library here is one of the most powerful Toiling tools..
* [[Thinking on the library ->library]]
* [[I'm unchambered->unchambered]]
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[[BACK->Bereshit]] iylem_think: true
I'm not a nostalgic one, but I can't avoid reminiscing about the Rym Iylem...<br>
Rym Iylem can be considered the quintessential quiet but not quaint elfin Rym, with their Holder's Nest not much different from the other Nests and houses in little clusters spread amidst small groves, creeks and fields.
With somewhat more than 1500 Souls living in around 170 between Nests and houses, it is a relatively small Rym, but it is an ancient community, predating the Great Peace.<br>
Being off, but not far, the communication net, a good branch road, a teleport beacon and a guest house are all our Rym needs for getting the needed interchange without trouble.<br>
My family is the Holding one since twenty generation prior of the Great Peace, but in a Rym, the status of Holder isn't a privileged one: we're first among equals, charged with dealing with issues, solving problems and disagreements, healing and casting spells for the benefit of the denizens of the Rym, and so on...
* [[My life here]]
* [[My parents and House->My House]]
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[[BACK->Bereshit]]I have looked around the library: fitting for one of the oldest Great Arcanorum, it's not only really big, but extends all the height of the library, from the ground to the third floor. Thankfully, it has ladders and balconies for non-winged people still not having learned levitation spell, albeit there's a sign saying "MIND YOUR WING BUFFETS!" suggesting that perhaps winged people sometimes should refrain from flying shelf-searching...
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[[BACK->Toiling]]I have no opinions about how Magi got the Gift of the Subtle, which I inherited from my parents and ancestors, not only from their blood, but also from my Soul; There's even a proverb saying that the Gift seek the best souls, and the best souls search the best body, but I think that perhaps things are much more complex than this, if the offspring of two Gifted is almost always a Sanctuary and is always Gifted, and the Gift is not rare amidst the Feys and Demons, and common among the Angels and all Dragons are Gifted.<br>
I have a Gifted Sanctuary, and I give to Nature a sevenfold fertilisation...
* [[Sanctuary]]
* [[The Subtle]]
* [[Sevenfold fertilisation]]
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[[BACK->Magi]]As I step toward the entrance of the Great Hall, the Subtle in my Sanctuary sends the strong feeling that I'm at the threshold not only of a passage of my life, but also at the threshold of... _my soul ?_
I'm mystified and surprised by this inner reaction, but not scared; actually, I feel _expectance_ and the hunch that not only my life, but also _My_ soul is to be changed, and that<br>
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**There's no turning back.**
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[[Boldly go where no Fey soul has gone before ! ->In the beginning...]]The Great Hall's benches aren't even half full, so I look around for a good seating place.<br>
For some strange reason, I find myself drawn toward a triple seat occupied by two unchambered studentess, one daemonic and the other angelic.<br>
I'm drawn not only toward that bench, but also toward its occupants.<br>
_Why ?_<br>
I quickly, and discreetly, look at them.
The blonde angel is seated in a serene, dignified stance, calmly contemplating around, but when her look is toward me, her aqua eyes became attentive, so I shifted my eyes toward the raven-haired demoness: she sports on one of her horns an orange ribbon, tied with a rather sensual knot...<br>
_(she's aylisia,like me_...)<br>But their occupants alone simply can't be the reason of my strange attraction to that specific seating.
My train of thought is suddenly interrupted by the aylisia daemoness, whose suddenly stands up, broadly smiling and loudly calling myself, or more precisely "**You, Elf with long pink hair !** ", waving her hands towards none else than myself !
The heating of my shoulders from the embarrassment became a red hot one from the next loud calling: "**There's a seat free here, between us ! please seat here !!** ", accompanied with an ill-thought welcome gesture of spreading her leathery wings !<br>The angel seated beside her nonchalantly dodges the right wing spreading, but the left wing's spreading was another story:<br>
An unsuspecting gal seated on the bench across the aisle got a sudden leather-winged shove, and a fellow walking down the aisle suddenly finds himself facing a leather wing topped with a pointy and sharp elbow talon !
Amidst the ensuing commotion, thankfully brief, I spied a brief wry smile of the angel girl, and a briefer, nearly unnoticeable, twitch of her white wings...
Anyway, the best course of action I have, actually the only one now possible, after that commotion, is
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[[accepting her offer->together]]
Every species on Railei nurtures back the nurturing Nature, watering and feeding Her, as She waters and feeds us, but the watering and feeding from a Gifted's body is much more stronger, at least seven times than those from an ungifted one, and this is the main argument in favor of the theory that the Subtle springs from Nature.<br>
I cannot avoid thinking that the legend of the gold and copper striped Zariga Great Magi Huino's survival in the wasted and scorched land after the quadruple battle, by nurturing the few surviving plants which in turn nurtured Huino, has a seed of truth...
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[[BACK->The Gift]]"The relationship between the Subtle and the Sanctuary remains one of the unknown aspects of both the Magi and Feminine worlds"<br>
This is, more or less, the same conclusion in every textbook, but as Gifted, what matters is my relationship and feelings towards the natural force lying raw and untapped behind my pubes.<br>
Notwithstanding the many millennia of philosophical, or even scientific, research so far, no one discovered if the Subtle originated in the Sanctuary or it's somewhat collected in Her.<br>
What is known is that males have their Subtle's origin, or reservoir, in a very different place, in their chests, and that the offspring of a Gifted female is always Gifted and that from Sanctuaries, gifted or not, springs three Sanctuaries for every Chest, and practically every species has this ratio.
* [[My Sanctuary]]
* [[scientific research]]
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[[BACK->The Gift]]_looked: azuj_look && miyai_look
I sit between the Daemon and the Angel; strangely, I feel myself _in my place_, like that my place is together with these two, as we're always old friends.<br>
But, _why_ ? I discreetly looked at both.
* [[discreetly look at the Daemon->Daemon]]
* [[discreetly look at the Angel->Angel]]
"Oh...My, My, where are my manners ? Sorry for not having introduced myself... I'm Miryarai Nilasi Yie. That is, Miryarai, daughter of Nilasi, daughter of Yie."<br>
(_Miryarai... "Beautiful Princess", her name fits her **so** well_...)
She paused for a moment, looking intensely at me. "But you can call me Miyai.", she adds, with a little smile.<br>
I'm surprised, not for her name, Angels don't use surnames, but matronyms, but that she has already put our relationship on nickname basis...
Before I can even try to grasp this, the Daemon on my other side stands up and proudly introduced herself:
"From the ancient and storied clan of Vhorr's third main branch, of Knezejiki, I'm Atuzejiki..." and, with a smile and a wink, "...but you can call me Azuj"<br>
(_Atuzejiki... "Fiery Resolve" in Daemonic, a name fitting to a T her debate in defense of her pointy appendages_...)<br>
Daemons are always proud of their heritage, and this petite daemon's heritage, the House of Vhorr, is indeed storied...
Now is the turn for *my* introduction...<br>
"My name is Etuye Alasne Eniri of the most honorable rym Iylem." Then *something* clicked in me, and I offered "but both of you can simply call me Etuye."
Both are delighted, and at the same time unsurprised with my offer of informality between us, as this was _expected_ from me, and I realise that isn't only because also they have offered the informality of calling each other by nickname.
Anyway, there was still some time prior of the inaugural lesson, the classic time for
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[[small talk between students->smalltalk]]The spark in Miyai's eyes together with an approving wing-twitch, reveals her enthusiasm in answering my question.<br>
"I arrived here six mornings ago." that's, three days before me. "And, Azuj, you arrived here that very same day, isn't ?" Azuj nods. "and we met at the Lost Mug inn that day's highsun eating."
Azuj enthusiastically interrupts Miyai. "and we meet each other and sit at the same table !"
"True" continues Miyai "and we talked the entire afternoon..." "...and the next day we explored Pennsaran together ! we're even asked if we're childhood friends !" concludes Azuj.<br>
I'm amazed. In two days Azuj and Miyai have become friends...<br>
As a bolt from the blue, Miyai unexpectedly tells her side of what happened in the Hall.<br>
"My, My... Now I must say that when I met Azuj, my body, Subtle and Sanctuary reacted the very same as when I see you entering the hall ... is the very same feelings, my Azuj, you felt when we meet, isn't ?". Azuj nodded.<br>
_Also I felt being drawn toward the bench Azuj and Miyai shared_.<br>
I share with Miyai and Azuj my side of our meeting.<br>
"being "together, again" is what you feel when you sit between us, Etuye ?" asked Azuj. I nodded, then Azuj give an inquiring look toward Miyai.<br>
Miyai looks immersed in her thoughts, then suddenly feel her breasts with one of her hands. "Oh.." she mutters "Is well past moons eating time..."<br>
We have also eaten well past highsun eating time, but in our talking together, we're now well after moons eating time, and we're three life-sustaining Sanctuaries alone on a roof, so our moons eating will be now and through mutual
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[[breast-feeding]]The origins of this Great Arcanorum, one of the oldest, actually predates the Great Peace, but isn't a part of history to be proud of, being back then the High training hall of the battlemages of Zundel, one of the warring countries of that sad and dark age.
A bloody past redeemed through the decision of the last Commander-Trainer, Grinhul the Wisest, who in the 22th year before the Great Peace, choose to surrender the Hall to a Great Flight instead of a brave but sterile last stand, saving the life and future of the hundreds of trainees, and the buildings where, in the 8th year since the Great Peace, the Arcanorum was founded.
Three millennia later, the Arcanorum Senate makes the unheard-for decision of electing Lansothe, then a Dragon in its prime, to the for-life office of Rector, raising the skepticism of the Brotherhood of Magi and the League of Arcanorum.
But after eight millennia, this Arcanorum not only never stagnated, but it's one of the best Great Arcanorum, its Rector and Senate turning down thrice the title of Grand Arcanorum offered by the League.
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[[BACK->The Great Arcanorum]] Prior to the great Peace, the world was engulfed in an age of war between Nations and Species, driven by falsehoods, greed and power-grabbing, among many other evils.
Then the warring states made the fateful decision of pulling the Dragons into their maelstrom of hate and strife.<br>
The Dragons initially fought strictly for self-defense, then, appalled by the increasing senseless and cruelty of the warring they find themselves drawn in, they deployed the seminal Flights, groups of a hundred or two of the most powerful but at the same time possessed of restraint, capable of quickly separating, by persuasion or graduated use of force, the belligerent and helping the endangered non-combatant.
Notwithstanding the unquestionable great successes, ancient cities and repositories of Knowledge preserved, and entire species saved from extinction, they can only give increasingly briefer and briefer relief from the global suffering.
Then, walking amidst the ashes and ruins of the once-great city of Anfistel, Mazkubov the Peacebringer grasped the Intuition, the one that reverted the world from the path of destruction to the path of Peace.
In less than a gross, he formed the Order of the Vambrace, raising together people of all species sharing the same aspiration of fighting for Peace, winning a war for ending all wars, and more important, winning the Peace, breaking forever the vicious and wicked circle of revenge, revanchism and retaliation.
Against all odds, in half a gross, the balance of restrained and measured force, healing and mediation of the Great Flights, each of more than a thousand Dragons of the highest valor, honor and compassion, carrying on their back the most valiant, pious and fair Magi, Champions and Protectors, followed by a thousand of the most compassionate and merciful Wyrm carrying on their back the best and brightest Healers and Engineers of the World, followed by a thousand of the oldest of the wisest, humble and most honest of the Great Wyrm, carrying on their back the most patient, phlegmatic and just Elders and Mediator of all species.
The triple wave of courageous and merciful warriors, lovely healing and reconstruction and patient hearing reasons and torts in careful mediation toward a truthful and mutual understanding, finally ended dozens of millennia of strife, hate and violence, without leaving scars, realising the ultimate Victory, that is, peace without trace of revanchism.
After a dozen and half years of talks, mediations and mutually satisfactory agreements the Great Brotherhood of all Magi, the League of Arcanorum and the Global Council of all Species and Nations was founded, in the Shining Year, the first of the Great Peace, 10.146 years ago.
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[[BACK->The Great Arcanorum]]My parents, grandparents and Elders, all alumni of Pennsaran, reminded me that the Rector, Sister Grand High Archmagi Lansothe, Elder Great Wyrm of the Dragons, surviving daughter of Mazkubov the Peacebringer, and one of the few living former Vambracer, age, uh, 12.872 Railean years, of which more than 7500 lived as Rector of this Arcanorum, dislike being formally addressed and should be always addressed simply by her name, Lansothe.
They also said that she always personally delivers the inaugural lesson to the new students, a lesson whose is never the same, but is always a lesson which deeply impresses the new students into the importance of becoming a Magi and the Magi's role in preserving the Great Peace.
Yesterday I briefly saw her: Lansothe's walking form indeed is worth of the tales, anecdotes and even legends about her beauty.
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[[BACK->The Great Arcanorum]]azuj_look: true
Even being fiercely engaged in a hot cross-aisle debate about wearing talon scabbards or not and swinging wingtips, the petite Daemon's posture, mannerism and even her chaotic behaviour is an hymn to sensuality... <br>
(_And she's so well endowed_...)
"I'm a _Daemon_, and you are endowed enough to know that Daemons are always conscious of their horns and talons ! Yea, I have spread my wings, but I always mind where are the pointy end of my talons ! **Always**! And those of my horns, too !"
I looked at her fully endowed horns, yes, indeed their tips are sharp, and her orange aylisia ribbon on her horn is tied with a sensual knot...
I suspect that was best that I hadn't tied my aylisia ribbon to my hairs (_orange and pink don't mix well, objectively_), lest that aylisia daemoness **would** have raised a much bigger commotion...
[if miyai_look && azuj_look]
From behind, the calm, soothing voice of the Angel put the ongoing debate to a closure:
"Now, Now... it's true that Daemons often act impulsively, but is also true that they are always very careful about where they put their talons and horns, but what should matters now, is that we all here are young unchambereds at the threshold of the beginning of our toiling toward being _brother_ and _sister_ Magi."<br>
The daemon and her interlocutors recognise that the angel is right, and so the pointless debate ended.
I give a quick glance above the angel's head. Not the slightest hint of her halo: she's a natural mediator, not needing soothing spells.
[[Now the angel introduces herself...->Introductions]]
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[[Look at the angel->Angel]]miyai_look: true
The angel girl's closed eyes, relaxed face, and posture mirrors her calm, phlegmatic nature.<br>
She's slightly taller than me, and her white wings are really beautiful, perhaps even by angelic standards.
Looking above her long, well combed golden hair, I can't avoid thinking that her casting must be something to behold; When an angel casts, their halo manifests brightly above their heads, and I feel that her halo perhaps is one of the most beautiful among Angels.<br>
She murmurs few but significant words:
"Mothers... I'm not alone on my path". I feel that she's not only referring to the Toiling and her Mothers.<br>
[if miyai_look && azuj_look]
she slowly opens her eyes, contemplate the fierce debate behind me, and with a calm, soothing voice put the intense debate into a peacefully closure:
"Now, Now... it's true that Daemons often act impulsively, but is also true that are always very careful about where they put their talons and horns, but what matters now, is that we all here are young unchambereds at the threshold of the beginning of our toiling toward being _brother_ and _sister_ Magi."<br>
The daemon and her interlocutors recognise that the angel is right, and so the pointless debate ended.
I give a quick glance above her head. Not the slightest hint of her halo: she's a natural mediator, not needing soothing spells.
[[Now the angel introduces herself...->Introductions]]
[if !azuj_look]
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[[Look at the Daemon->Daemon]]
"when you arrived here at Pennsaran ?" Miyai asked. "Three days ago" I answered, "with the omnibus coach from Anyani".<br> A brief, near-unnoticeable smile of happiness on her lips hints that for her my answer matters.<br>
_Why is the exact date of my arrival important to her_ ?<br>
Somewhere deep in me I feel that is linked with the strong easiness, if not *instictive affinity* I feel toward Azuj and Miyai, my musing is interrupted by Azuj's asking what Ways of Subtle I'm most attuned.
Well, the inner discovery of which Ways one is attuned is part and parcel of the early endowment life of children with the Gift of Subtle so, I answer:<br>
"I'm attuned with the Ways of Transmutation and Alteration, and I have a strong attunement on the Way of Time Scrying..."
Is very rare that someone is attuned to the Way of Time Scrying, so I hesitate a bit, about the other, near-unique, Way I'm attuned, but I can't deny nor hide my very Subtle Gifts...<br>
"Also, seems that I have an exceptional attunement to the Way of Soulmancy..."
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[[Wait for their reaction->reactions]]
My Ways are **complementary** to the other two's Ways:<br>
on Azuj's side, transmutation and alteration reciprocally helps in both creation and construction, and the same on restoration and alchemy on Miyai's side.<br>
on the top of this, I guess that time scrying can be of help in diagnosis, but surely Soulmancy can be even fundamental in healing inner wounds, the most difficult healing.<br>
oh, and Time Scrying can even complement Engineering: looking back to when something was made or built, can help with engineering...
My fast-tinking elfin mind processes this sudden realisation, remembering the golden Rule in navigating the contradictions between Karma, Free Will and Fate:
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***Significant events don't happen by chance***
There's no doubt, this **is** a fateful meeting... and even my raw, untoiled Soulmancy feel that perhaps there are strong... no, *ancient* Karmic roots.<br>
Deeply immersed in this realisation, suddenly
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[[I feel something physical...->first contact]]The Subtle, so named because of its mysterious,intangible and elusive nature; Everyone reckon that is the "magical energy", fueling a magi's spells, allowing many thing hard, if not impossible, to do with mundane means (albeit magical tools and the Ways of Creation and Alchemy allows mundane manipulations with Magic)<br>
I can't wrap my head around the too many more or less complicated schools of thought about the Subtle's nature and origins;<br> the three I more or less understand are that the fact that from a Gifted's body came out a stronger, sevenfold, fertilisation led to the idea that the Subtle springs from Nature;<br> Another school of thought is that the Subtle is a force or energy permeating the very Soul;<br>
A third school is that the Subtle stems from one's feelings, hence their association with female Sanctuaries and male Chests.<br>
Personally I'm agnostic, albeit I can't deny the factual basis of all these hypothesis.
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[[BACK->The Gift]]That is, I haven't got a chamber to share with other students. Usually, at Arcanorums, during the first year, students start to know each other, and by affinity, family ties, common interest and, yes, also *feelings*, decide to share a room together, often for the rest of the fourteen years of toiling and studying.
In the meantime, I live in a room in one of the student dormitories just outside the Arcanorum.
Usually, all students became chambered in no more than nine months, that is, half a year, but "unchambered" is traditionally the term for the entire first-year class, and "chambered" is the term for the second-year class.<br>
Mysteries of academic life, I suppose...
* [[I wonder with who I will chamber...->chambering]]
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[[BACK->Toiling]] Azuj's comment is a simple "Great !" and from an near-unnoticeable slight twitching of Miyai's wings I feel that she's not only reckoning my Attunements.
Then Azuj talked about her attunements:
"I'm attuned to the Ways of Engineering, Creation, Construction and Demolition..."<br> I can't avoid noticing the wincing of the studentess opposite the aisle, the same one shoved with a leather wingtip earlier, in overhearing the last attunement...<br>
"I'm equally strongly attuned to these Ways, albeit I think that the last three attunings stems from the first."
Makes sense, after all: the Art of Engineering is the one involving the Subtle manipulation of the matter toward a scope or doing a work, so someone strongly attuned tho the Way of Engineering who is also strongly attuned to the Ways of construction, demolition and creation **WILL** became a very formidable Engineer...
Lastly, Miyai start to list, the Ways she's attuned:<br>
"Azuj, you already know which Ways I'm attuned, but please allow me to repeat again for our Etuye..."<br>
(*Our* Etuye ?)<br>
"...It's plainly obvious that I'm an Angel, hence is in my nature that I'm very strongly attuned to the Way of Healing, and I'm also attuned to the Ways of Alchemy, restoration and shielding."<br>
No wonders, Angelic Subtle is always attuned to the healing and protective ways...
thinking about our Ways and attunements, suddenly
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[[I realise a very important thing->realisation]]There's a warm feeling on my hands. on the back of one hand, was the hand of Azuj, on the back of the other, the hand of Miyai.
My Free Will choose to follow the winds blowing from the Fate and Karma, slowly spreading both hands' four central fingers; Miyai and Azuj promptly accepted the silent offer, intertwining their central fingers between my fingers.
Slowly clenching our hands together, I gradually straighten my back, detaching it from the backrest, a nonverbal welcoming message immediately answered by the wings of Miyai and Azuj embracing my back. My nape warms in reaction to my happiness.
We're Together.
We're Together, _Again_.
***Together, Again***.
I can't explain the elation and happiness stemming from this "Together, Again", less so why I feel being "together again" with two people just meet, now I can only live this moment...
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[[But the lesson is to begin->enter Dragoness]]A pair of students, wearing on their dresses the insignia of early journeyman, two thin silver braids above a thick one, enters the hall and place two covered containers on the desk.<br>
My, and everyone else's, curious gaze is on the pair of covered containers: Everyone know that during the inaugural lesson Lansothe always shows and tells about artifacts of from her youth years, that is, contemporary or even predating the Great Peace.
Then Lansothe herself enters, with casual nonchalance, as she wanders here by chance; Her walking form is very tall, but not eight feet tall.<br>
She can be mistaken for a Daemon if not for the scales on her tail and here and there on her skin, the metallic reflections from her gold and silver hair, and the claws on her fingers.<br> Notwithstanding her age, she has a youthful beauty, another Draconic trait.
Standing behind the desk, Lansothe thanks and dismiss the pair of journeymen, then spread her wings in a welcoming, and also _protective_ gesture, giving
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[[Her Welcome]]
* [[I revise in my mind the classes and their distinctive insignia...->acadYears]]Looking at the thin red braid of the unchambered year on my teal dress, I mentally review the student's classes and the corresponding braiding.<br>
The gossip around the braiding is that was a remnant from the days of High training hall of Zundel, happily glossing over the fact that many Arcanorums have similar distinctions:
There's fourteen years, two five-year cycles of studying and learning, and four years of Toiling; the studying cycle's students wear red braids, then during the learning cycle wear purple braids, and the Toilers wear silver braids.
During the studying cycle's years, the braids are:<br>
Unchambered, one thin red braid<br>
Chambered, one red braid<br>
middling, two red braids<br>
underscholar, three red braids<br>
scholar, four red braids<br>
For the learning cycle, the years and braids are:<br>
Drifter, one purple braid<br>
Wanderer, two purple braids<br>
Finder, three purple braids<br>
Searcher, one thin purple braid and one thick<br>
Senior, two thin purple braids and one thick<br>
During the Toiling years, the braids are:<br>
Starter, one thick silver braid<br>
Early journeyman, one thin silver braid and one thick<br>
Late journeyman, two thin silver braid and one thick<br>
Toiler, three thin silver braid and one thick<br>
and also there's a braiding, not for a year, but for a day, the very last one, of the Ablitation ceremony:<br>
passed Magi, two thick silver braids.
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[[BACK->enter Dragoness]] "Welcome and Well meet, class of 10.146 !
Not few of you are at least the fourth or fifth generation walking or flying these halls, courtyards and corridors learning and toiling towards the Ways of Subtle...<br>
On generations, I must say a very important thing: It's true that is due a deep Respect to the Elders, but for me, after a dozen of millennia, honorifics became meaningless. So, please, no "Rector", "Madam", _et cetera_, call me only "Lansothe", my name is enough".<br>
She look around, and her smile became one of amusement.
"And things never change... Unsal Thidon !" she calls to a dwarf semi-hiding unconspicuously in the rearmost benches. "I have already pointed to your father, mother, great fathers, great mothers, and so on... Your House is one of the greatest among dwarfswes, and I'm in front of _another_ generation too modest !"<br>
(_I wonder if the unusual merging of two dialectic form of plural is a sort of internal reference_...)
"Nurzunghal... I hope that for once, your ancestors' penchant for practical jokes don't surface this time."<br>
"Perhaps..." the young dragon answers, but his smirk and mischievous gaze clearly answers in the negative. Lansothe sighed, "I don't hide that I'm curious how this battle of low cunning between thousands of years of experience and the creativeness of youth will develop."<br>
(_There will be fourteen interesting years ahead, no doubts_...)
She gives her greeting and remark to many students, then she, unexpectedly, looks toward the very bench Azuj, I and Miyai share and
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[[Lansothe speak to me]]"Well, Rym Iylem always send their Gifted sons and daughters here at Pennsaran, but this time the Gift borne in Iylem is really something, I'm sure I never met someone so strongly attuned to Soulmancy and Time Scrying"<br>
I feel everyone's eyes on me, now my shoulders are really hot, I never feel so embarrassed, perhaps I have even run out the Hall, if not for the soothing hand of Miyai, and of Azuj, too, intertwined with my hands.
Lansothe smiles. "You shouldn't be embarrassed..."<br>
Now I'm _also_ surprised. As every Fey, my emotions, aside some exceptions, don't have outward signs but manifests inside me in form of localised warming, but Lansothe has noticed my embarrassment.<br> (_This is that what means living more than twelve thousand years_ ?)<br>
My Respect for the wisdom of an elder was reinforced also by her next words:
"I see that you start to grasp the uniqueness of your Gifts. But you have fourteen years of Study and Toiling for understanding and perfecting your Gifts."<br>
Right. No haste with a millennium and half of Elf lifespan ahead... This is pure and unbiased Truth and Wisdom from one with eight Elf lifespans behind.
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[[Now Lansothe turns to Miyai...]]
"Vhorr Knezejiki Atuzejiki, look in my eyes", she speaks, in Daemonic. "not **at**, **in** my eyes".
Surprised, Azuj looks into Lansothe's eyes. "You should know that in my youth, I have met personally Vhorr Knezejiki Knezejiki". Azuj gaspes, but keep firm her gaze into Lansothe's eyes. "These eyes you're gazing in have seen your ancestor and Founder of your branch, so you can say that the reflection of Knezejiki is looking upon you."
Azuj flinches, but keep with fierce determination her gaze into Lansothe's eyes. I heard many tall tales about fights of will between Dragons and Daemons, and this at glance seems one of these, but you realize that is actually another thing.<br>
_A lesson_, no **more** than a lesson: a _feeding_: Lansothe is nurturing Azuj's already strong soul with her own inner strength.
I can't find how I came with this realisation, my Soulmancy is definitively strong, yes, but is still raw and unplowed... And that I'm holding Azuj's hand isn't a viable lead...
A viable lead suddenly came from the mouth of Azuj: "_Ikel, Zyan_". "Thanks, feeding-mom" in ***ancient Draconic***, a language I'm certain that I don't know. But somewhat I _understand_ these words...
"Azuj, you're capable of putting your Fiery Resolve unto being a Fiery Searcher of the depths of your eternal Soul."<br>Speaking in Daemonic, Lansothe's wording includes the meaning of Azuj's given and branch names: Knezejiki, "Fiery Searcher" and Atuzejiki, "Fiery Resolve".
Now Lansothe is looking at all three of us together, but hers was not an ordinary looking: she has opened her Inner Eye on us.<br>
Surprisingly, I don't feel uneasiness about being scryed by a twelve thousand old Dragoness and Grand High Archmagi.
Certainly now she is about to say something really important about us.
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[[So spoke Lansothe->So spoke Lansothe]]She smiles broadly.
"you three are highly complementary, one to the other two, not only in your Ways, but also in your Subtle and your souls.
Etuye, there should be a reason why you have two of the rarest attunements, Time Scrying and Soulmancy."<br>Lansothe pauses for a bit, looking at you and Miyai, then continues: "Miyai, you and Etuye, have understand Azuj's words at the end of our eye-to-eye, isn't ?"
I glance at Miyai. She nods. I answered "Yes, Rector !"; she corrected me: "Lansothe". "Sorry..." I sheepishly apologise.
"I'm sure that both of you will ask Azuj later about these two words, but is a thing between you three."<br>
She pauses for some time, her scrying eyes shifting from Azuj at my left to Miyai at my right and back, then speak to Azuj, but is _too_ obvious that she's in fact speaking to all three of us:<br>
"Azuj, please untie your aylisia ribbon."
"huh ?"<br>(_the surprised face of Azuj is so cute_...)<br>
"Little Azuj, you don't need it anymore. Look at your right". That is, towards myself and Miyai.
The entire Class of 10.146 erupted, together with my shoulders, which became molten lava.<br>
Lansothe, with her ancient Great Wyrm patience, waited until the commotion subdues, then concludes:
"That you three came to sit together on the same bench speaks by itself. But you should follow the winds of your free wills: So, I can only suggest that, this night surely will be a very limpid and cloudless one, you can talk together, alone, on a terrace or roof, with only Irlem, Reznel, the Silver Streak and the Stars as mute witnesses."
<br>(_Again, I can only reckon the wisdom built atop more than twelve millennia of life_...)
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[[Thankfully, Lansothe now gives a little pause...->interlude]]Lansothe walks to her desk and, pointing to the covered containers, warns:
"Your class has already a considerable excellence and a great potential; so, I choose for the first lesson of this inauguration of your class of 10.146 one of most crucial, if not the decisive, artifact leading to the Great Peace, but the story of this artifact is a very sad, if not excruciating, one. So I give you some time for a mental preparation for what I'm to teach." and, after a pause: "and I must confess, also I feel the need of a mental preparation."
I'm grateful not only for her consideration, but also because, especially after these surprises, I need some time not only for mentally preparing, but also for putting orderly aside my many thought and feelings stemming from Lansothe's words...
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[[The first lesson starts->Teddy bear tale]] Lansothe slowly removes the cloth covering the container, which actually was a permanent stasis spell, preserving the frail content inside:<br>
An handmade teddy bear, the burns, discoloring and cuts here and here not hiding that originally was made with deep love for its owner.
Lansothe takes a deep breath.
"Everyone, please look carefully to this and hear its sad tale, who steered my father into the noblest and worthwile fight, the final one, the Fight for ending all fighting and giving Railei the enduring Peace She deserves."<br>
I sadly realise that the scars and burns on the bear don't bode well for its little owner,
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[[But I never have imagined that sad and painful Fate...->siege of Anfistel]]
With an arm-and-wing gesture, Lansothe calls the attention of the Class.<br>
"Now, allow me to deliver the second part of your inaugural..."
She removes the cover around the other item: a transparent case, containing the largest inseler you have seen, a dwarvish camed glasswork of great antiquity...<br>
I realise that is **The** inseler, the very one from which Mazkubov drank every species's milk mixed together, dispelling forever the grip of one of the greatest and strongest lies of the Warring age: that the milk of one specie is a deadly poison for all other species.
And Lansothe was a direct witness of that defining moment during the hectic but exciting years and months prior of the Shining Year... indeed she starts, telling us the Inseler's
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Thru the larger corridors leading to the Eating hall, our hand-holding became an embrace, arms and wings.<br>
(Initially there was a friendly tug-of war between Miyai and Azuj's wings about who's wing should be directly on my shoulders, but in the end, they settled for an alternance...)
In the eating hall, Miyai suggests finding a quiet spot somewhere for our eating together, so we borrow a mess pot for our food, and, after finding a quiet corner in a courtyard, we sit and start our lunch.<br> Initially we eat in silence because we're trying to sort out the many questions we have in our mind, until
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[[Miyai breaks the silence]]We look up at the sky: the two moons, the larger, whitish Irlem, and the smaller, pinkish Reznel, are both at their full shining stage, flanking the Silver Streak; near the zenith, the two Silver Ponds are so nitid that we can see the tiny sparks on their surfaces; together with the myriad of stars around, form the canopy of a night so bright and limpid that we practically don't need our night vision.<br>
_and is also a romantic night_...
Azuj, on my right side, is a bit restless, and for a reason.<br>
"After an entire sunwalk under the dress, Taily wants fresh air"<br>
_Taily ? she mean her tail ?_<br>
Azuj stands up, unlatch her cape, which fell on the floor, then turning her back toward us, raise her gown, giving fresh air to Taily... and her hind quarters.
Taily wags and stretches a bit, Azuj is definitively a short-tailed Daemon, instead of being long as a leg, her length is slight more than her upper leg, but she's definitively sinuous.. and sensual and... _her diameter_...
I make an effort for not giving out the revelatory vibration of my ears, feeling sure that the attention of Miyai behind me attention is not on Azuj's æsthetics, but on my ears.<br>
A delicate finger pass on the back of the lobe of one of my ears.
"Etuye, Azuj is stretching Taily, why you don't also stretch your ears ?"
Miyai's sweet and lovely voice encourages me in letting my ears free of manifesting my appreciation for Azuj; she smiles and winks, then lie on her left side, facing me, spreading Lefty and Righty behind her back.<br>
(_well, Azuj **IS** aylisia, like me, but there's also Miyai_...)
I feel again at a threshold of my life... and also of the lives of Azuj and Miyai. Looking up the sky above, I wonder where will lead our
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[[talking about us]]with our graduation and ablitation as Sister Magi, in one of the most memorable ceremonies.
the most important accomplishment, our masterpiece, the azure Octahedron of Past Lives, whose allows me, the lone Soulmancer and Time Scryer on Railei, to look back to my, and Azuj and Miyai's, past lives, whose results far surpass my wildest hypothesis:
My very soul is much older than myself, I have lived countless lives, not only here on Railei, but also in many, many other words, proving beyond doubt that the stars in the night sky are indeed Suns like ours, and around them are planets, lives, societies... But sadly, also wars and strife.<br>
And that the Subtle's presence in many of these worlds is wildly variable, in some is near-absent, in other is even much stronger than here on Railei.<br>
And these are only two of the major discoveries I have done with the Octahedron...
But for me, the most important discovery was about the "again" feeling I have toward Azuj and Miyai.<br>
In near all of my, no, _our_ past lives, we was near-always *together*. that is, our Souls are intertwined, longing for and searching each other and living together, that is, the concept of "Fated Souls".<br>
I, Miyai and Azuj **are** fated Souls: Since the beginning of Time, we have already lived countless of lives together. And we have met, and love, each other, ***again*** _and_ ***again***.<br>
_when we discovered together this, we cried in realising the antiquity of our bond_...
But Railei's Subtle gives us a mean for the ultimate cementing of the love between our souls:<br>
_The Marriage till the End of Time_.<br>
That is, the highest form of marriage conceivable, whose will give to our souls the priviledge of not losing our memories when crossing the Cycle of Death and Rebirth, and ensures that we always remember and find each other and live together in our new lives, thus living **really** forever.<br>
Binding together our immortal Souls in a truly eternal marriage is a decision to not to be taken lightly, and on Railei was ritualised only twice in the recorded history, and we thought, alone and together, for years, until we are firmly committed to being eternally together.
Our firm commitment to each other, and our Marriage was announced during our graduation; few months after, our souls's mutual love was again bind together, this time, ***Forever***.
Of course we have found a very nice place for
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[[our nest]]"Miryarai Nilasi Yie... that is, Yie as in Yie Hasjin Noolan, I'm correct ?"<br> Miyai answered with a little nod. "I don't hide that I was surprised when Noolan asked for a leave of absence from our Medicinarium, a leave of fourteen years. But now I understand why:<br> Miryarai, In your Sanctuary is blossoming a greater flower of Healing, one to be watered and nurtured with knowledge, truth and love stemming outside your bloodline."<br>
"I suppose you're correct, my Rector. Indeed all the Mothers of my bloodline have kissed and given their farewells and goodwills to my Sanctuary".<br>
Miyai's phlegmatic, matter-of-fact answer not only surprised me, but everyone in the Hall, perhaps even the Venerable Lansothe, who indeed overlooks Miyai's formal addressing.<br>Miyai's direct bloodline can have eight, even more, living Mothers, and in the very ordered Angelical culture, that Mothers up to 1400 or 1500 years of age kneeled in turn, giving their kissing farewell to the Sanctuary of a Daughter hardly around half a century of age is for sure an exceptional Event.<br>
after a deep look at me and Miyai, she concludes:
"you just meet Etuye, and you already sustain her..." Indeed Miyai is still holding my hand.<br>
Noticing that Azuj hold my other hand, she added "Indeed you three are drawn together..."<br> Lansothe paused, then
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[[turns toward Azuj...]]I put my hand on my Sanctuary...<br>
Being a female Gifted, is highly probable that my children will be Gifted, and if the father is also Gifted, is certain that my children will be Gifted, but is a thing far enough in future, Feys start to be fertile around the tenth dozen, that is, around the age of 120 years, and I have only 47 years...
Albeit I'm aylisia, I have occasionally welcomed a Branch in my Sanctuary, and these episodes was actually pleasant ones, so I feel that when comes the time when I feel ready and desiring that a little elf springs from my Sanctuary, I will enjoy its very beginning, so I consider my shade of aylisia a sort of minor Gift...
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[[BACK->Sanctuary]]The Magi's principles are embodied in the Oath and the eight Obligations. I can recite both, but reciting those isn't enough, these principles must permeate my body, Soul and Gift, so that knowing when I rightfully use my Magic for the good becomes instinctive.
* [[The Oath]]
* [[The Obligations]]
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[[BACK->Magi]]I mentally recite the Oath, which I learned even prior of the awakening of my Subtle, nearly thirty years ago:
"As a Magi, is my natural understanding that all form of life is Sacred,
Hence I swear that:
I shall never use the Arts for harm, save for defense and protection,
first and foremost, the others, then their means of Living first, then for
myself, then my means of Living;<br>
With my curative and restorative Arts, I shall always help people in need of
healing, restoration and mending;<br>
I also shall strive to improve and perfect the knowledge and understanding of
the Subtle Arts, and share the gained or discovered knowledge with my fellow
Magi and the Public;<br>
But If I perchance learn, learn about, or discover, always accidentally,
never intentionally, knowledge of Arts usable only for harm, I shall use those
only for defense of Life and means of Living;<br>
I shall share that knowledge of harmful Arts only to trusted, mature, and
very responsible Fellows, ones whose I'm fully certain, totally sure and
completely satisfied of their absolute honesty, rectitude, moral integrity
and Respect for all forms of Life, Harmony and Peace;<br>
I shall always strive to impartially mediate divergences between peoples, or
groups of peoples, using Arts only for encouraging a peaceful resolution,
and this only as absolute last resort;<br>I shall support my Teachers and my Pupils in all their needs and endeavours,
provided that no harm to others and/or their goods is planned, expected or
even anticipated;<br>
If my descendants inherit the Gift of comprehension of the Subtle, I shall
teach them the Arts, together with the Responsibilities and Duties that the
Gift of the Subtle comport and that one day they will solemnly swear this
very Oath."
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[[BACK->The principles]]Closing my eyes, I mentally recall the Eight obligations:
"**Great Obligation**: A Magi always help, support, sustain and serve, first and foremost all souls whose don't have, or have a limited,comprehension of the Subtle, then their fellow Magi, above and beyond eventual disagreements, antipathies, divergences with these fellows, then all life coming from the Nature.<br>
_First Obligation_: A Magi shall use spells and enchantements in an harmful manner only for defense, first in defense of the others and their meaning of living, then for the defense of self and own's means of living.<br>
_Second Obligation_: A Magi with knowledge of restorative, curative or mending Arts shall never refuse to heal or restore people in need, nor refuse to mend their goods.<br>
_Third Obligation_: A Magi will always use the Arts of Subtle for Peace, Harmony and mutual Understanding, giving their utmost for mediating a peaceful and mutually satisfying solution to the disagreement.<br>
_Fourth Obligation_: If, notwithstanding all efforts, Peace and Harmony is lost, and divergences erupt in violence, a Magi shall always defend souls and their means of Living, and strive not to win the divergences, but win the Peace.<br>
_Fifth Obligation_: A Magi understands that the Cycle of Death and Rebirth is
Sacred and using Arts for sending souls back to the Cycle is the very last
resort, resorted only when all other means for defense of other Souls are
exhausted or ineffective.<br>
_Sixth Obligation_: A Magi will always strive for advancing the knowledge and
improvement of Subtle and mundane arts, always using extreme discernment and
careful assessment of potentially harmful misuse or abuse of advancements.<br>
_Seventh Obligation_: A Magi will teach the Subtle to people with the Gift of
comprehension of the Subtle, treating equally descendants and pupils.<br>
_Eight Obligation_: A magi will always ask and obtain the informed consensus of
people requiring magical assistance, explaining the spells and enchantements
to be used."
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[[BACK->The principles]]My parents and my elders are the Holders of Iylem, but is more a "first between equals" than a title.
basically it's that we're the issue-tacklers, problem-solvers, healers and spellcasters of our Rym:<br>
For example, My Grandfather is the one everyone asks for solving issues and disagreements, my father is the one dealing with problems, my mother is the main healer and my older sister cast her spells for the benefit of the community.<br>
Simply put, having "rym Iylem" in my name is a mere appreciation of my House's tens of thousands of years of honorable dedication and efforts for the collective welfare of Rym Iylem.
Our pride is not that we're an ancient House, leading the Rym of Iylem since twenty elfin generations before the Great Peace, but our pride is that Iylem's denizens are proud of being part of it, enjoying a peaceful and active life.
Since the great peace, the Gifted of the House of rym Iylem have done their learning and Toiling at Pennsaran, so now I'm here, starting my fourteen years of learning and Toiling toward becoming a Vitasi, that is, the elfin word for "Sanctuary Magi".<br>
(_Etuye Alasne **Vitasi** rym Iylem... I hope to be worth of this name_...)
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[[BACK->rym Iylem]]I can only wonder about who will became chambered with me; affinities of mindset, interest, Ways or even Souls are the most well-known causes of Chambering together; and this always led to at least a life-time friendship, so everyone put their minds, wisdom and souls in this defining phase of their Arcanorum life, and beyond, the core strength of the Brotherhood of Magi lying in these ties formed in the Arcanorums.
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[[BACK->unchambered]]I borne there, forty-seven Springs ago, a tiny flower springing amidst a spring so bountiful that my parents and elders named me Etuye Alasne, "Plenty Spring".<br>
Since my ninth year I started my education, adding Eniri, "Studentess" to my name.<br>
Later,a thirty or so years ago, at the beginning of my endowment, as expected for the daughter of a Great Fey Vitasi, I feel the awakening of The Subtle in my Sanctuary and body, and during my Endowment I discovered the Ways I'm attuned.<br>
Two of my Ways raised some excitement in the quiet but not quaint Rym: Time Scrying is a very rare Way to be attuned, but Soulmancy is one of the rarest, in the last twelve millennia, less than a dozen Gifted received this Way from the Subtle, and seems that only three or four of them got an Attunement as strong as mine...
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[[BACK->rym Iylem]]I wonder if scientific research on Sanctuaries is something safe to work on, and, frankly, I think what is much more important is the emotional side, albeit I'm unconvinced about the theory of the Subtle stemming from one's own feelings...
Suddenly, I laugh reminding my reading of and about the ancient polemics from back when in the western side of the Western Great Salt Water was attempted a systematic ban on talking, describing, depicting, _et cetera_ about the physical side of Sanctuaries and Branches, and their, ahem, interaction, especially the ones between Sanctuaries and Sanctuaries and Branches and whatever is not a Sanctuary, a thing whose rendered the entire western side of the Great Salt Water the laughingstock, ridicule and target of polemics from the rest of Railei...
Anyway, I agree with the common notion that scientific research on Sanctuaries ranges between amusing diversion to cringing rambling in proportion with the age of the work's author.
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[[BACK->Sanctuary]]There's still some time... I find myself muttering a little rigmarole about numbers:
"An hand, half a dozen,<br>
Two hands, a dozen,<br>
A dozen of dozen, a gross,<br>
A dozen of gross, a great gross,<br>
A gross of gross, a grand gross."<br>
Then I realise that an elf mumbling outside an hall isn't precisely what one expects to see in an Arcanorum, and my shoulders warms from my embarrassment...<br>
But I have a strong feeling that the hall beyond is a true point of no return...
* [[Let's do a little more mind wandering->Bereshit]]
* [[Let's boldly cross the Hall's threshold ! ->Threshold]]"I hope that everyone knows more than enough about pre-Peace history, because the lack of knowledge of past is what lead to repetition of mistakes, including the Great mistake of senseless violence, and this bear's history begins during the Siege of Anfistel."
Lansothe pauses. "Anfistel was a thriving city, but after the greatest outrage Anfistelians have ever done against their neighbors, the latter, duped by their overambitious, power-hungry and greedy leaders and blinded by their justified but exploited rage, started the final siege of that unfortunate city"<br> Her pause is one of reminiscing painful memories. "and the siege of Anfistel ended with the storming and razing of this city and their **inhabitants**.<br> Father always says that I was lucky in not being actually here, having only seen the ruined city sometime after that carnage."<br>
After a long and poignant pause, Lansoth continues her exposure of what was the dark and bloody era of warring:<br>
"Father's Flight attempted in vain to beg for Mercy and for saving the lives of the non-fighting citizens of Anfistel, and after desperate but fruitless negotiations for a truce, these neighbors stopped only after storming, razing and burning Anfistel.<br>
Father was a senior Officer of one of the most powerful Flights, but he and his comrades was utterly impotent against the bloody feeding of the greeds, ambitions and falsehoods stemming from the ruthless exploitation of the last and most outrageous of the too many Anfistelian grave and very bloody mistakes."<br>
Lansothe paused again, this time longer.
"so, Father's Flight can only help in the aftermath, healing the too few survivors, cleaning the rubble of the ruined city, and..." Her voice breaks "...recovering the bodies..."
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[[And the body still hugging this teddy bear->the ruins]]"Yes, the body was still hugging this teddy bear; all I know is that was a terrible, shocking sight; I was not here", Lansothe loudly sniffles, "But as a daughter, my soul is still scarred as the soul of my late Father."
"Father and his quarter-wing was fatefully charged of recovering the bodies under the ruins." her hand caress the statis around the bear. "He never told to anyone of what species was the little broken bud still hugging this bear; all I know, nay, _everyone_ know, is that hundreds, if not thousands, of years of life was violently interrupted at its very beginning, in the first duodecade."
Lansothe is clearly moved by her very words.<br>
(_She's an indirect witness, but a **first-hand** indirect witness_)<br>
"All I can say personally is that since I first heard this from my father, I wonder if this bear has given to its young owner, one too young to understand what is happening around, the courage for bravely facing the incoming violent and too early end."
Now Lansothe became an hazy shape; my eyes are really wet, on the verge of crying...
"Auntie Wirxat told me that Father cremated personally that little lifeless body, clenching in his flying form's hand this teddy bear; until her very last day, Auntie never understand how a Dragon can breathe his flame and, at the same time, not crushing a teddy bear held in his clenched fist."<br>
(_indeed I wondered about this_...)
I'm now crying, and everyone else in the hall is crying, or otherwise manifesting their grief when
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[[a sudden wail resonates]]"But my feelings back then, and those of my sisters and brothers are much less than the turmoil in the Subtle in the very Chest of my Father, a turmoil whose alone steered Railei toward the Great Peace."
I know the history and tales of when and how Mazkubov the Peacebringer came with the Intuition leading to the Great Peace, but now I'm hearing it from a direct witness, his daughter.
"I remember the day he returned; the very first thing he asked, was that everyone in our Nest, for my grand-grand-father to the youngest hatchling, came around him, and hug not him, but this very teddy bear."<br>
Lansothe actually hugs the stasis around the bear, her eyes lost in that day...<br>
"For weeks, Father often was in the library alone, taking reams and reams of notes, then started to call all of us, uncles, aunts, cousins and siblings, one by one, in the Library." Lansothe continues. "when was my turn to be called, he showed me a scheme he drafted: the scheme of a Great Flight!"<br>
He asked me where should be my place in this formation, and when I respectfully pointed to Father that I have just seen his draft, he encouraged me to follow my instincts. I pointed a spot in the van from where I can easily fly to the centre, and even to the rear."
With a little nostalgic smile, Lansothe concludes, "Father smiled. My instinct was right, I chose a position in the fighting van whose allow me to quickly cover and protect the healers in the centre, and even the elder mediators in the rear.<br>
And this was my initiation into the then fleeting Order of the Vambrace"
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[[Mazkubov's determination]] The sudden wail came from Azuj; I heard about the wailing of a Daemon overwhelmed by very strong emotions, but witnessing it firsthand is another, different, matter.
Surprised, I tried to do two contradictory things: embracing Azuj and giving passage to Miyai toward Azuj.
Luckly, her Angelic instincts snapped her from her empathy for the budding life cut too early more than 10.000 years ago to the emotional emergency of today, solving my contradiction by sitting on my lap, balancing her otherwise awkward stepping over my legs with a graceful back shift of her wings.
Miyai's free hand intertwines with Azuj's free hand. "Azuj, I and Etuye are here with you..."<br>
Her wailing slowly subdues, gradually reducing to a sniffling; looking around, i see that not only the entire Class of 10.146, is deeply moved, but even the venerable Lansothe are sniffling..<br>
(_War is really ugly, if veterans cries in reminiscing 10,000 year later_...)
After some minutes, Lansothe continues, telling us about
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[[Mazkubov's resolution]] In Lansothe's firm eyes and now-spread walking wings you can see the ancient Vanbracer.
"But a single Nest, how numerous or strong, can't successfully fight for Peace, so we searched like-minded people first, then Nests, Clans and Branches, then entire Species, until we reach the strength needed for carrying on the difficult and unheard-of plan: defeating one by one, every warmongering nation on Railei, without leaving space to the evils feeding war and strife: revenge, revanchism and retaliation."
"At the very heart of this network was the Order of the Vanbrace, gifted Sanctuaries and Branches determined to build the Peace in their time. And **was** built."
"Favouring manoeuvre instead of close or ranged fighting, seeking the surrender instead of the defeat the warmongering's armies, then healing the wounded bodies and souls and rebuilding for free what was damaged or destroyed, then patiently mediating to the vanquished, with utmost respect for their cultures, societies and ideas, without even thinking of imposing our ideals, we won their hearts and minds to the Great Ideal that an solid and permanent Great Peace isn't an utopia, but that can be actually built."
Lansothe pauses, giving everyone time to absorb and understand her words, then talks about
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[[The establishment of the Great Peace]]"But Victory alone can't lead to a durable peace. Even without the poison of revenge, revanchism and retaliation, all Species and Nations remain vulnerable to the lies, enthralls and ambitions.<br>
So, rebuilding a peaceful world requires solid walls and eternal vigilance against liars, enthrallers and ambitious ones."
How Lansothe manages to look in everyone's eyes at the same time will remain forever a mystery for me, but was not a mystery what she says:<br>
"but what walls and vigilance can be built ?<br>
Here is where the Gift became the Gift of all Railei. Father's intuition was that the Gift led to a sacred Duty toward everyone, Gifted or not. This in turn leads to the establishment of the Core Institutions, the League of Arcanorums, the Great Brotherhood of all Magi, and the Global Council of all Species and Nations."
"The first ensures that everyone, Gifted or not, learn everything they can learn, and develop the important critical sense.
The second enables the Gifted people to carry their Sacred Duty of helping, supporting, sustaining and serving everyone in need.
The third enmesh the diverse collective needs, be those of species, Nations, cities, down to the smallest, remotest Nest in middle of nowhere, so that mutual assistance, communication and exchanges is guaranteed.
Together form the sound foundation of the Great Peace."
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"so, in the good, and bad, a little event can be very significant, even changing the course of History" concludes Lansothe.
She put back the covers on the statis around the teddy bear, and gives everyone, included herself, a much-needed pause for a mental rest prior of the second lesson of our Inaugural, her narration of the
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[[Inseler tale]]
"People accept and endure the hardship and horrors of wars out of fear, and fears are driven by lies, and a good part of the groundbreaking of the Great peace was put into confuting these longstanding lies.<br>
Everyone know that Sanctuaries aren't only life-givers but also are life-sustainers, and if we consider that there's somewhat more than three Sanctuaries for one Branch, became clear that Famine, one of causes of war and strife, is mitigated through the Sanctuaries's bosoms."
"but, how greedy or ambitious people can raise the specter of famine ?"<br>
Lansothe's question is a maieutical one, underscored by her waiting.
Someone behind you offers an answer: "perhaps... through restrictions ?"
"Yes, there was attempts to restrict life-sustaining, even prohibitions of depicting the very act of life-sustaining, but the absurdity of this prohibition was patent, so the mean for raising and exploiting the fear of famine was another."
"There was the lie that a species's milk is a lethal poison for all other species. Today we laugh at this very notion, but in these dark days of yore, when people can't easily verify facts, was too easy to distort actual facts into outright lies."
now she apologises in advance for feeling the need of indulging in a little, but intense
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[[digression]]Lansothe put one hand on one of her breasts. "Everyone know that a Dragon's milk is *really* hot, and for many species is best that it's cooled down, for example, in a cup, lest having a scalded mouth.<br>
Personally, I feel sad that I can't directly nurture not few of you..."
She sighed. "But this very fact gives an opening for distorting a fact into a lie: If one says that the scalding from dragon's milk isn't from its heat, but came from an acidic poison in it?"
In her eyes is perceivable the disgust for a misrepresentation, and the prejudices stemming from that, she personally endured. "so, back then, was too easy to take a fact and distort it into a lie. Lies like this was one the many mean exploitative means for turning Species and Nations one against other !"
Suddenly Lansothe squeeze hard her breast, venting an ancient frustration. "**Hot or cold, everyone can drink _my_ milk !!**" she yelled loudly.
Strangely, I was taken aback, but not surprised: somehow, in my mind forms the mental picture of a younger Lansothe offering her breast to a wounded prisoner, receiving a flat refusal accompanied with insults and slanderous charges...
She apologises for her outburst, but Miyai stand up:
"Don't worry, Lansothe, notwithstanding our young age, everyone here well understand that you endured ugly grosses upon grosses of years." In her matter-of-fact words you perceive a little soothing intonation.<br>
Smiling in return, Lansothe continues, narrating the preparations for
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[[the Feast]]"well, today the easy confutation of this lie seems obvious, but back then, there were many millennia of prejudices against each other's milk to overcome, so for a successful confutation of this lie we needed a very carefully prepared and organised demonstration of the truth."
"setting up the stage was the easiest thing, having the full support of the Varya mediators..."<br>
Lansothe don't need to explain much about these allies's key role: their customary feasting is done around a single nearby-closed horseshoe-shaped table, Sanctuaries sitting on the outward side, Branches on the inward side, and this was an important detail.
"And yes, Varya customs was one of the many details to be cared, together with details like ensuring that no one of the many leaders of Species and Nations, and their spouses, courteously excuses from the feast, which was officially in honor of Father, And being thrown in honor of Father ensures that at both ends of the horseshoe-shaped table was my Father and her Mother, and we gave a careful attention to the seating arrangement, ensuring that allies and friends' seats are where they can deliver the best support, at the same time respecting the protocol."
Looking in a precise direction, Lansothe points at the inseler. "Of course, during the welcoming of the guests, Kellas Thidon gifted this very inseler, its caming carefully designed that everyone can see its content and level, he has personally forged and camed, so the key piece of the eye-opening plan was naturally placed on the stage."<br>
(_I'm sure that Unsal is now trying to disappear behind his seat_...)<br>
"Personally, I remember more the anxiety for what was to follow, starting from"
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[[Mazkubov's discourse]]"Father has taken many days in preparing the discourse, and its fuse. Yes, was needed a fuse for setting everything in motion, and the motion must be smooth; details like the choice of servings, done toward raising comments like "white like milk!"<br>
The most difficult part was the ignition of the "fuse"; driving the doubt that the lie about milk was somewhat eased by the eating setting, but building a doubt about a strongly rooted lie is one to be delivered in a natural and casual way."
"in a convivial eating, there's always plenty of discussion about food, so the basic idea was simple, but, as I have just sketched, was not easy to implement, and we're too well aware of this. Picture entire nests of Dragons, old and young, brainstorming together with Vambraces, friends and allies of a score of different species, and you have the idea of the coordinated effort, a worthwhile effort, because having brainstormed together a careful and detailed preparation, during the Feast everything actually went much smoother than expected."
She winks "Of course, back and now the honored guest has the honor of presiding the debate and delivering a discourse, so thanks to our preparations, up to the minutest detail, his discourse was delivered to very receptive souls, the souls whose lead many Nations and Species."
she smiles, reminiscing the shattering, once and for all, of a big lie under her very eyes, starting from
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[[the filling]]Lansothe put her hand on the case. "At the end of his very passionate discourse, Father bet "his very life", that he can drink from this very inseler a mixture of all the milk from the bosoms of every Sanctuary at the table mixed together!"
"He passed the empty inseler to the Sanctuary at her outward side, of course the majority of Sanctuaries nearest his place was allies or friends, so they put eagerly and without hesitation a good squirt or two of their milk inside this inseler; this little detail insured that, be by pride, by emulation, by honour, or even mere conformism, no Sanctuary along the outward side of the horseshoe table could excuse herself from contributing to the alleged "deadliest mixture of milk".<br>
I vividly remember my elation in seeing that this inseler hasn't even reached the centre of the horseshoe that every bosom was already uncovered and ready to deliver their contribution ! A magnificent sight..."
Lansothe's eyes twinkles in reminiscing these moments. "When this very inseler reached my grandmother at the opposite end of the horseshoe, and she passed to Father the inseler, now full to the brim with the alleged "deadliest poison ever", everyone's eyes are glued on Father, the inseler in his hands, and its content, the climax we wanted."
Now her eyes are visibly back to that night of more than 10.146 years ago. "From the vantage point I have, I watched the defining moment of that night, when..."
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[[Mazkubov Drinks]]
"Father gulped more than half the content of this inseler with the gusto only a Dragon can do"<br>
(_and this inseler is really huge..._)<br>
"and then he simply says "I feel a bit alive." He not only was only obviously alive, but also enjoyed the drinking; now he thanked Kellas Thidon, for the mastercraft of his gift; This little personal digression encouraged the guests into bringing back the topic of "surviving" milk, so when someone asked, amazed and dumbfounded, how was the mixed milk Father answered honestly "Perhaps a bit cold, but tastes pleasant, albeit undefinable", then with a stroke of ingenuity, put the half-empty, half-full inseler in the hands of that guest. "what do you think ?" everyone watched that guest's sipping. "well, for me is hot, but sweet" was his answer, and was obviously well and alive !"
Lansothe laughed, reminiscing one of the most exalting moment of her long life.<br>
"So, the inseler starts passing hands by along the horseshoe everyone tasting and "surviving" the mixed milk, and when the inseler was empty, people along the table has already started, cautiously and timidly first, then with increasing confidence, a mutual tasting between guests, these leader now being themselves protagonists of the first mutual cross-species milk feeding since the beginning of the dark era of warring. And this was a sight I will never forget."
"So, a major falsity, one of those keeping Railei binded and enthralled into stagnation, war and strife, was shattered forever, all leaders now fully convinced, by direct experience, hence without doubts, that everyone can drink everyone else's life-sustaining milk, a definite major step ahead toward the establishment of the Great peace !"
Neither I, nor Azuj, nor Miyai, could have imagined the following
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[[unexpected unbelievable]]
We expected that Lansothe dismissed the class of 10.146, thus ending its inaugural lesson, but she looks thoughtful at all of us, then unlocks the latches of the case, opening it, and taking the ancient inseler in her hands!
after some moments of deep meditation, she unexpectedly, with a deft movement of her wings, she unlatched the top of her dress, uncovering her bosom !
all of the Class of 10.146 gasped at the implication of Lansothe's act. She has committed to celebrate a Remembrance of the Dispelling of the Great Milk Lie, with the very same inseler used in the Dispelling !
in the more than 10.146 years since, this inseler was used in a Remembrance only twice, and now is used for the third time, in a Remembrance, one between perhaps the lone living witness of the Dispelling and a bunch of little more than a quarter gross of mere unchambered students !
I was nearby overcome by the dizziness and spinning of my head in front of the magnitude of what is to be happen; without Miyai's and Azuj's hands holding mine, perhaps, nay, surely I have fainted.
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[[Lansothe starts the Remembrance]]"Now, everyone understand that for me the Remembrance is actually a _Recollection_, and we're Remembering with the very same inseler used that day; With hindsight, I should have done a gentle introduction prior of initiating this unique Remembrance, so I apologise for the suddenness."
I was attentive to the words of Lansothe, but my eyes was also attentive to the inseler held in her hands, just below her bosom...
"I have only witnessed the first drinking from this inseler, but I have drank from it twice, and this is the third time I drink from it, this time together with you, Class of 10.146."<br>
After these words, Lansothe put the inseler under one of her breast with one hand, pouring a bit of her milk in the inseler, and repeats the same with the other breast.
Then she motions a studentess to come and take the inseler, mimicking a boustrophedic gesture, indicating how the inseler should be passed around. Albeit excited, The studentess complies, taking the inseler to her seat, then pour a bit of her milk in it, and pass the inseler to the studentess beside her, starting the inseler's way toward
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[[our bench]]
* [[About Lansothe's bosom]]Azuj takes-off, soaring up from the sill with strong wingbeats, firmly holding me from behind.<br>
(_and also firmly pressing her bosom on my back_...)<br>
I can't hide that is a romantic situation, two aylisia flying embraced under the night sky...
_I should learn the levitation spell sooner, things seen from above are very fascinating_...
Azuj breaks the silence "you're surprised of how Miyai takes off ?" "yes..." "well, also I was surprised the first time we flied together, but she explained that she has a little, uh, "take-off issue", in practice she needs jumping down a little height for taking off."<br>
A very rare condition among winged people, an annoyance but not an handicap...
"but a little issue sprinkle a bit of cuteness in her beautifulness, isn't ?"<br>I agree. Few moments later, we're circling above
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[[the roof]]I admit that I looked at Lansothe's breasts; Dragons ends their endowment around 75 years of age, and Dragon's milk are by far the most nutrient, one of her breast can give to a dozen of average raileians an entire full day and night of nourishment at first light, then another full day and night of nourishment to another dozen at moons eating time...
twelve plus twelve is twenty four, times thirty-nine days, times eighteen months, plus the nine intercalary days, times... **twelve thousand and eight hundred** years
even the most basic scientific research, applying the four operations to basic facts, is more than enough to render the idea of the pinnacle of Sanctuaries's life-sustaining, the breasts of an elder Dragoness.
Suddenly I realise a deep significance of the teddy bear's tale:<br>
If perchance Lansothe, borne during the warring age, more than 2500 years prior of the Great Peace, was slain prior of the beginning of her endowment, more than ten thousands of grand grosses of nourishment of an average Raileian will never be delivered...<br>
(_Her buxom breast is not only beautiful, but is also a true fountain of life_...)
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[[I also watched the inseler's travel...->our bench]]The inseler pass along left and right, right and left, every Sanctuary pouring their part of milk inside it (Branches simply passing it to the next one), up toward our bench...
a gentle wing-tug on the latch holding the top of my dress snaps from my staring, and with a slight warming of my shoulders I realise that also I must do my part of the Remembrance.
I looked at both Azuj and Miyai: the former is unlatching the top her dress with a sensual movement of her arms and hands, and Miyai has already uncovered her bosom, and is calmly waiting her turn.
I unlatched my dress, reluctantly releasing our hand-holding; but when done with the uncovering, we restore our hand-helding.
The inseler now is passed in the hands of Azuj; was our turn for pouring our milk inside the ancient inseler...
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[[Now we do our pouring]]Azuj's looks intensely inside the inseler, then she pour her milk into it with firm determination.<br>
(_isn't easy putting aside that we're both aylisia in watching her pouring_)
she passed the inseler to me, her winking and smile revealing that evidently I haven't much put aside the common aylisia. surprising my shoulders remain cold, no embarrassment...<br>
But I'm part of an unique Remembrance, so I put the inseler below one of my nipples and pour the first half of my part of milk inside it, then the second half of my part from the other nipple.
I passed the inseler to Miyai; in watching her pouring into it I can't avoid thinking that, when Dragon milk is the most nutrient, Angel milk is by far the sweetest...
The filling is one half of the remembrance, the other being
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[[the drinking]]The inseler passed through everyone's hand, the Sanctuaries giving their milk, and happened that the last Sanctuary has on her passing side a Branch, so he must be the first to drink from it, then starting the passing back of the inseler.<br>
He's not a random Branch. He's Unsal Thidon, a direct descendant of Kellas Thidon who, more than 10,000 years ago, forged the came and fused its glasses, making the historical inseler now in the hands of his descendant...
He stares at the inseler, then stares **more** at the dwarven runes around its base, sip the mixed milk, then suddenly stand on her seat and declares: "I, Unsal of the Forge of Thidon, I declare myself **Proud** of the masterworks of my Ancestors ! be the pride of the Thidon Forge the twin of our work ! Proud forgemasters for proud masterwork !"
I heard a _thud thud thud_: Lansothe beat her tail on the floor in exultation and approval. the roar of the entire Class welcomes the undoing of the proverbial humbleness of the Forge of Unsal.<br>
_undone as the poisonous milk lie_. I noticed. _but there's no trace of Subtle in that Insel_....<br>
Everyone in the class of 10.146 reacted in an unique way when sipping from the inseler, so I'm in trepidation when in his way back, the inseler return to our seat, for
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[[our drinking]]Miyai take the inseler and sip from it with phlegmatic calmness, a small spread of her wings being the only exterior manifestation of her reaction.
She closes her eyes, her halo manifests, open her eyes again, then looks at me and Azuj, and she simply say, with a tiny enigmatic smile, "now I understand".
She pass the inseler on my hands with an encouraging smile; Azuj reluctantly releases her holding of my hand, whispering a word of encouragement.
Holding it in both hands, I looked into the inseler, trying not to think about the incoming honor of sipping from the original one; the mixed milk inside looks as all mixed milk I have always sipped in Remembrance...
carrying the inseler to my lips, I braced myself for the hot in my spine caused by anxiety, but instead I feel only a warming of expectancy from my neck.
The mixed milk was like all mixed milk I have drunk, but when I gulped, suddenly I find myself in many bodies, on many places, at many times...<br>
...and _many_ souls. all _my_ soul. I realised the combined potential of my Gift of Soulmancy and Time Scrying. Timetravel through my very soul. I will successfully Toil toward this really unique Gift ?
a twin wing buffeting put myself back in my time and body. "Etuye !!" an angelic voice and a Daemonic voice together pulled me out of a very deep trance.<br>
_I can rely on Azuj and Miyai_...
I passed the inseler to Azuj; she again stared intensely at the inseler, this time slowly turning it, then murmurs "Matron..." prior of drinking. I suddenly remembered that Vhorr Knezejiki, founder of the branch of Azutejiki, was one of the drinkers from the inseler that night of ten thousand years ago...
Azuj seems listening inside her, then suddenly stands up !<br>
"I'm Vhorr Knezejiki Azutejiki, and it will be done with Fiery resolve" she proclaims in her native Daemonic, juxtaposing her given name and its meaning.<br>
(_but what will be done_ ?)
The inseler continues her return travel until returns in the hands of Lansothe, with few drops of milk still inside. As expected,
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[[Lansothe drinks]]The definitively unique Remembrance continues, the inseler passing hands and raising dramatic reactions to everyone, until returns back to its starting point. That is, Lansothe.<br>
She raises the inseler to her lips, and everyone hold its breath, a young Gifted of thirty, fifty, sixty year is a thing, a Great Wyrm and Grand High Archmagi of more twelve millennia definitively is another thing.
_How will be her reaction to this inseler_ ? is the silent question everyone has.
She close her eyes and remains still for some time, lost in contemplating something inside her, then suddenly smiles radiantly, spreading her large wings !<br>
"Thank you, everyone of Class of 10.146 !"<br>
Every one of us is surprised. _Thanks for what_ ?
Then Lansothe called me, Miyai and Azuj at her desk. Surprised, we reached her and Miyai, and Lansothe embraces all three with her wings, then she shares with us a thing we promise to keep _in pectore_.
After we returned to our seating, she explained what happened during the Remembrance.
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[[What happened]]
Lansothe now explains what just happened, the inaugural opening of Class of 10.146 being far from usual. **Much** far.
"As everyone surely has noted, albeit is an unquestionable masterpiece, this insel isn't enchanted, but one can even say that its masterwork crafting surpasses enchantement."<br>
She raises the empty and cleaned insel, so everyone can clearly see it, and slowly rotating it in its hands, she explains:<br>
"The came's pattern and shape was designed to react to the minute traces of Subtle always present in Gifted's milk, establishing a Subtle connection between their Sanctuaries, establishing a connection between their Subtles."
"Your class has something none of the prior classes have: an unique degree of complementarity. Everyone of you has Ways complimentary with the one or two other classmates. Never happened here, nor elsewhere. Connecting the Subtles mean that these mutual complimentarities are strengthened and eased. Not that this will ease your Toiling, though."
Lansothe put an hand on her Sanctuary. "If you think on, this means also that I joined you thru this connection, so now I'm both Lansothe the Rector, but also Lansothe your Classmate, sharing this connection with you. This alone speak volumes of the importance of this unique degree of complementarity."
Hearing these words, I put an hand on my Sanctuary, delicately probing my Subtle.<br> _Indeed I can feel that my Subtle is connected with eyeryone's, including Lansothe's Subtle, but two Subtles are **more** connected with mine. Those of Azuj and Miyai... **Why**_ ?
Lansothe concludes "Now I'm sure that everyone has many questions, but this unusual inaugural lesson has taken more time than expected. Much more, in effect...
That is, was time for...
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[[Class dismissal]]Lansothe looks outside the large windows.<br>"actually we're well past highsun eating time, but I have instructed our good ol' Housemaster to have on hand more off-hour food than usual, so I hope that no one needs nourishment from bosoms' life-sustaining.<br>
I wish to remember that my door is always open for everyone. Oh, about this, Unsal, I have old notes written by Kellas I think you should read.<br>
Lastly, now that I'm also your Classmate, you should call me Lan."<br>
_on nickname basis with a Great Wyrm more than 250 times my age_...
"So, our Class of 10.146 starts its Toiling, toward becoming Brothers and Sisters Magi !"<br>
I notice the slight but significant difference in the dismissal: "our" instead of "the"; Lansothe, no, Lan indeed **is** a peer member of our Class, and not as first among equals...
Standing up from the seat I realised that I _don't want_ to part with Azuj and Miyai. and this feeling was mutual, because Azuj immediately says "Let's eat together !!"<br>
Miyai nodded, and I agree. Hand in hand, we leave the hall, toward our
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[[first eating together]]"As Lansothe, I mean, Lan... suggested, we should talk about us later, under the stars. and all three or us obviously has many questions about our inaugural, which was definitively unique. Azuj, if you want, we can not talk about the bear..."
"No, Miyai, this will be unjust. I mean, injust to the first owner of the bear, and even Lan's father..."
_Lan's father_, that is, Mazkubov the Peacebringer...<br> I suddenly have an inspiration.
"Lan has connected not only us as a class, but also to the days when the Great Peace was established. as Azuj has just said, for us, Mazkubov the Peacebringer is now literally a familiar figure, someone whose we know personally."
"Yes..." Miyai thinks carefully on my point. "And there are already connections between our Classmates, and our seems by far the strongest"<br>
I noted that she herself has suggested talking about us after the sunset.<br>
"correct. but ours is not the only strong connection already established. There are two twin brothers, for example."
Miyai continues "and Lansothe spoke about _strenghtening_, not establishing, connections. that is, the connections were already here, only that we was not aware."<br>
She has nailed the spot. Earlier I have realised the connections between our Ways, now
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[[I share my realisation]]"you're right, Miyai."<br>
I explained that I realised that our Ways indeed are complementary **prior** of Lan's unique lesson.
Miyai agrees with an approving twitch of her wings, and Azuj agrees, adding "Right. Alchemy is turning a mixture into another, that is, an _alteration_."<br>
"Yes. and the Attunements are listed in everyone's letter of introduction, so in reading those, Lan has noted our Class's..." Miyai pauses, trying to find the right words. "collective Gift. Hence our special remembrance."
"Makes sense", I say, pointing that Lansothe joined our Class. "But why did Lan joines us ? her subtle is well toiled..."<br>
Something clicks, not in my mind, but in my Sanctuary. "actually, being borne more than 2500 years prior the Great Peace, she can't have Toiled her Subtle."
Miyai shook her head. "Right that Toiling was introduced after the Great Peace, but she has her time's cultivation of her Ways..."<br>
Biting a big chunk of her food, Azuj says her idea about Lansothe's joining, from an
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[[unusual prospective]]Azuj's idea isn't questionable, but is definitively the product of extreme lateral thinking, to say the least:
"Whatever are her reasons, the result is that we're now Subtly connected also with Lan, and the subtle inside us Gifted, it doesn't matter if is originating from or collected by, lies into our Chests and Sanctuaries, right ?"
Miyai nods, then Azuj continues: "Perhaps I'm looking at the wrong side of the relationship between the Subtle and our Gifted bodies, but I'm a Daemon, and _Daemons and Dragons are both ovovivipary_, so, perhaps I'm physically more akin to Lan; and as an aylisia, a Sanctuary loving Sanctuaries, perhaps I'm slightly more connected to her Subtle..."
Miyai interruptes: "Now, Now, Azuj... Lansothe is well-known for being a monad, and a dancing one, too."<br>
_Miyai is always calm and phlegmatic, but here is a tinge of jealousy in her tone_ ?
Now, things are turning awkward, three young Sanctuaries of less than 50 years argumenting about how the Subtle acts inside a physical Sanctuary of more than twelve thousand and eight hundred years, so I feel that is much more wise (and constructive...) looking at the matter from another angle... but what angle ? three came into my mind...
* [[Our Attunements ?]]
* [[The ancient draconic words ?]]
* [[The untying of Azuj's alysia ribbon ?]]I mentally review the Ways we're attuned:
I'm attuned to the ways of Alteration, Transmutation, Time Scrying and Soulmancy.<br>Miyai is attuned to the Ways of Healing, Alchemy, restoration and shielding.<br>
Azuj is attuned to the Ways of Engineering, Creation, Construction and Demolition.<br>
I can't see how these ways can resonate or complement Lansothe's Ways...<br>
my shoulders became very warm. _what are the Ways of Lan_ ?? actually I don't know what are her Attunements...
I asked the other two, Azuj drawing a blank, and Miyai, with a sad smile offered:
"Back in these days of strife, violence and war, the Gifted's Subtle was cultivated not on their Attunements, but on what was much needed then..."<br>
Miyai's serenity turned into deep sadness "...And I prefer not to think about our Lan casting destructive, even deadly, spells, albeit in defense..."<br>
my eyes became wet, but is not only my sadness, but... _I feel her sadness thru my Sanctuary, no... **in** my Sanctuary_.<br>
I quickly apologise. "sorry, Miyai, I don't want to be insensible..."<br>
Suddenly, Miyai's wings twitches in realising something. "Don't worry, dear Etuye, on the bright side, Lan outlives seven or eight generations of Angels, Daemons and Feys, so I think that she's now equally attuned to practically every Way, save perhaps some of the rarest or unique..." She looks intensely at myself. " Soulmancy or Time Scrying"<br>
I feel that this is not what her wing twitched, but is for realising somewhat else...<br>
but what matters, looking from the angle of our Attunements lead to a dead end, so I must follow a different one...perhaps
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[[the untying of Azuj's alysia ribbon ?->The untying of Azuj's alysia ribbon ?]]"yea, as many Daemons, I know enough ancient Draconic for somewhat more than a basic conversation, but with hindsight, _Ikel, Zyan_ was an inadequate thanking. Let me explain."<br>
She collected her thought, then she explained:
"As you know, I'm Vhorr Knezejiki Azutejiki. my Matron, Vhorr Knezejiki Knezejiki, borne a thousand year prior of the Shining Year, was one of the Leaders, and an ally of Lan's Father, sitting around the horseshoe table, and of course she drank..."<br>
her proudness became evident.
"from the inseler. And Lan that day looked at her when she drank. Remember that she says that I'm seeing my Matron through her eyes ? I actually see Matron's drinking as I was there."
Azuj put one of her hands on her lips and the other on her bosom.<br>
"In hindsight, he not only shared her memories and nurtured myself with her inner Subtle strength, but gives me also the knowledge for doing a thing I never have imagined. not only pouring my milk where my Matron poured her milk, drinking where she drank, but also _kiss her lips_, and wasn't an indirect kiss ten thousand year later."
She says the truth. I feel a taste in my lips I never have tasted, and I have never kissed a Daemon. and at the same time I feel new emotions. Pride and Love.
Pride of being a Vhorr Knezejiki. Love for Matron Knezejiki. Two feelings I never imagined that can fuse so harmonically. A Daemon's feelings. Azuj's feelings.<br> _Not only our Sanctuaries and our Subtle are connected. We're more deeply connected_.
I looked at Miyai. Her white wings are fast-twitching, and her hands are on her Sanctuary, welcoming and savoring emotions totally new for her.<br>
After her experience, Miyai says, breathing deeply "I never imagined that an Angel can _live_ the feelings of a Daemon..."
We looked in our eyes in silence. Now it was clear that the physical and Subtle of Lan wasn't the right approach for understanding our unusual inaugural lesson, albeit we have learned new things. we need a
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[[different approach]]"Azuj, remember that Lan asked that you untied the alysia ribbon on your horns ?"<br>
she laughed. "dear Etuye, you remember what she says after ? talking under the stars, and the sun is still up..."<br>
"But you have a sort of point. Lan says prior that you and Miyai should ask me about the ancient words in Draconic ?"<br>
She winks. "but she says of asking "later", wasn't ? and this _prior_ of her request of untying so... this is the right time for asking".
Another wink and a broad smile.
_Truly a Daemoness, chaotic to the core, always uncanny finding loopholes..._
Miyai twitch her white wings in agreement "My, how you're correct..."
so, we asked Azuj, what about
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[[the ancient draconic words ?->The ancient draconic words ?]] Hours after we have eaten our lunch, we're still talking about our inaugural.
an idea forms, not in my mind, but in the depths of my womb.<br>
"Remember her sudden venting ? "Everyone can drink my milk !": he has shown us not only her past, but also the scars of her past. I can understand her, ten thousand years of giving her milk to every species can't cancel from her soul the two thousand and half of year of being shunned when offering her life-sustainment to other species.<br>
Perhaps, albeit we have less than fifty years of age, we should at least attempt trying a look from this angle"
Miyai and Azuj agrees, then Miyai starts a formal synthesis of the moral issues leading to the establishment of the Great Peace:<br>
"War is the most ugly thing when involves non-fighting people, more so when is actually aimed at killing non-fighters"<br>
Azuj continues: "And for breaking the Ethic of the Sword, forbidding indiscriminate killing and destruction, evil people needs to incite the rage stemming from fear and lies."
I feel that we're on the right track, and conclude the formal synthesis:
"and there was the three vicious self-feeding circles, the three R of revenge, revanchism and retaliation. And against hate, falsehood and vicious cirles, one needs the courage of fighting with restraint, love for healing the wounded and rebuilding houses and restoring goods, truth in mediating with defeated and surrendered enemies the true, eternal Peace."
We remain in silence. This was, sadly, Railei during the first two millennia and half of Lan's life. we know that we're only at the beginning of a path parallel to our Toiling, but we're determined to start our walking along that path.
Miyai broke our silence.<br>
"We should start from what Lan has taught us, that is, how her father resolves to end the general madness, and how the lie about milk was confuted, but which one we should discuss first ?"<br>
"I can't honestly decide" answered Azuj, then both look toward me.<br>
Now, what we should discuss first ?
* [[Lan's witnessing]]
* [[confuting a lie]][if conf_done]
Having realised the true lesson of the confutation of the lie, we discussed how Lan's witnessed the destruction and death in Anfisel.
"What struck me was how she described the destruction of Anfistel and the dead body of that poor little creature."
Miyai was quick to agree with me, offering an interesting idea:<br>
"Right. Reading, and even hearing from the voice of direct witnesses, isn't the same as being there. And today only elder Dragons have lived during the warring era."
Azuj partially disagree. "Is true that in due time even the youngest Dragon whose remembers the Warring age will return to the Cycle of birth and death, and this can raise the risk of repeating grave mistakes.<br>
but... is also true that Lan wasn't a direct witness of the fall of Anfistel, but, Etuye, indeed Lan spoke as she was actually there."
Azuj has a point, but she has surprisingly missed a major detail, one that she knew better than me and Miyai, so I point her to this very detail:<br>
"Azuj... also you wasn't at the Feast when Matron Knezejiki drank from the inseler ?" "Oh..."<br>
of course, Miyai's wings twitch in approval. "Thinking on, she quoted her aunt... Wirxat, was ? she not only was there, but also told her about Anfistel... and words aren't enough for describing what happened there."<br>
_Wirxat has communicated her **direct memories** to Lan_ as Lan has communicated her direct memories of Knezejiki to Azuj...
The magnitude of the implication is huge, so I asked Miyai if I have understand correctly.
"Yes." Miyai continues: "This alone can explain Lan's expectations, hopes, she has about us, and why she even joins our Class in a most unusual way. but the real question is: we three, I, you, Etuye, and you, Azuj, can host, not only in our Subtle, but also in our Soul, not only her memories, but also her scars from these dark years ?"
we stay in silence, asking ourselves if we can accept this burden, until
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[[Azuj speaks]][if witn_done]
Lansothe IS a direct witness, her aunt Wirxat having shared with her these horrible moments, as she shared with Azuj a moment very dear to Azuj.<br>
So I and Miyai asked Azuj, albeit she was direct witness of only a brief moment of the feast, her opinion and feeling about the feast.
I suggest discussing the Inseler tale first.
Azuj is perplexed, to say the least.<br>
"I'm not sure about if the means used in confuting the milk lie was the right ones. True, there was no trickery toward the Leaders, but is also true that there's a party whose steered the discussion toward their desired outcome; Hence, I'm not comfortable with the means, albeit was for an unquestionably good end"
I'm surprised: I have expected that Miyai wasn't comfortable with the means, being an Angel, ordered to the core, but Azuj, who is a Daemon, and has an innate chaotic attitude ?<br>
Miyai is visibly deeply thinking on Azuj's words, and I and Azuj wait patiently that
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[[Miyai speaks]]witn_done: true
"Fourteen years" A simple matter-of-fact, this time from Azuj; Miyai twitched her wings in more than an approval.<br>
(_I'm starting to understand her "wing language" ?_)
Azuj is right. we have a raw, untoiled Subtle, and in fourteen year our Toiling will allow us a strong and fertile Subtle, one capable of hosting 2500 years of a draconic Soul's sufferings during war and strife.
Azuj continues, with an insight: "We Gifted are a gift to Railei and all who live on it, and the sacred duty of every Gifted is the Duty of a Magi, the helper, supporter, sustainer and servant of Railei and everyone on it. Including, of course, the duty of preserving the Eternal Peace and averting the return of war, and the strife, suffering and death in its wake."<br>
_I never imagined a Daemoness speaking matter-of-fact on righteous principles but actually is... beautiful_
of course, Miyai wing-twitches enthusiastically, then ponders Azuj's words.<br> "As every Magi before and after us... but there was groups of Magi which dedicated themselves to the preservation of the Great Peace ? This can be the path of our Class ? and of the three of us ?"<br>
Azuj smiles. "Yes, my sweet Miyai."<br>
(my _sweet_ Miyai ?)<br>
"**Is** our path, of our class, but more of the three of us, and of Lansothe. Our class is exceptional, and somehow we, and Lan, are a sort of focal point. a _catalyst_, that is."
A catalyst. As the teddy bear was the catalyst of Lan's father's Intuition... <br>Now we realise the inner lesson imparted by the teddy bear tale:
***even exceptional changes and people needs a catalyst.***
[if conf_done]
Together, the two true lesson sketch a path forward, one so noble that
[[I share]]
Having figured one true lesson, we have to search the true lesson of the inseler tale, the tale about
[[confuting a lie]]
I share with Azuj and Miyai the path forward I glimpse.
"Our Class has many complementaries in its Attunements, and its connection is not limited to Attunements: not only Azuj is a scion of Knezejiki's branch, who was present at the Feast, and there's another ancestral connection."<br>
Miyai nodded. "Unsal Thidon"<br>
"Yes, Unsal" I continue "The direct descendant of the very maker of the historical inseler we all drank from."<br>
"Wait !" Azuj interrupts me. "Now that I think... Nurzunghal is a direct descendant of Wirxat !"<br>
Point more than proven, so I move to the next point: "... now, our connection with Lan, allows everyone in our class to share with Lan...<br>
...her _oldest_ memories, as Azuj already experienced. So our Toiling should be also toward cultivating a Subtle capable of holding the weight of Lan's memories."
Both nodded in agreement, and I present the last, and most crucial point:
"Keeping Lan's memories, the memories of the final, and most... brutal... two millennia of the Warring age, imply that we three, along our classmate we must commit to the preservation of Peace, till our last day."
we looked one each other in our eyes, until we nodded together, then Miryarai raise her arms, hands clasped:
"I, Miryarai Nilasi Yie, commit myself to the preservation of the Great Peace !"<br>
"I, Vhorr Knezejiki Azutejiki, commit myself to the preservation of the Great Peace !"<br>
"I, Etuye Alasne Eniri rym Iylem, commit myself to the preservation of the Great Peace !"<br>
we clasped our raised hands together, committing us to the preservation of Peace.
looked at our hand clasped above our heads, we see the stars on the darkening sky
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[[at dusk]]conf_done: true
Miyai stretch her wings, and for a moment I see a mischievious twinkle in her eyes.
<br>"correct. And wrong, at the same time, Azuj.<br>it's true that the debate was steered toward the very topic of the lie to be confuted. But, _no one was duped_, and, more important, they was dealing with people whose **actually** believe in the tens of millennia old poison lie."<br>
Now Miyai's eyes are openly mischievious. "In other words, wasn't trickery, was **pedagogy**, albeit perhaps the term isn't properly a precise one."<br>
(_how lovely is Miyai's mischievous gaze..._)
Now we understand fully Lansothe... no, Lan's true lesson:<br>
***Patience and Wisdom turns a scheme into a right and proper course of action.***
[if witn_done]
Is true that an elfin mind is a very fast thinking one, but I was surprised of how quickly I figured the path set in motion by the twin lessons, a most noble one, that
[[I share]]
Now that we have understand the lesson behind the inseler tale, we still have to discover the true lesson of the teddy bear's tale, thru
[[Lan's witnessing]]
" together, alone, on a terrace or roof, with only Irlem, Reznel, the Silver Streak and the Stars as mute witnesses..."<br> We remember well Lan's words, so we walked together through the courtyards, staircases and corridors up to a large third floor window over a large courtyard.
Miyai point to a spot on one end of the roof of the six-storey main building "Can't be seen from here below, but the roof there is flat at the center; I and Azuj noticed it two days ago, when overflying above. Azuj, I can prevail on you for carrying our Etuye ?"
Azuj agrees enthusiastically; Miyai then open the window, climb on its sill, spread her wings, then **jumps down**, disappearing for a moment, then soaring up toward the roof of the main building.<br>
(_her white wings under the night sky are so splendid_...)
I'm surprised of her unusual take-off; but Azuj isn't fazed. She embraced me from behind.<br>
"Don't worry. Lefty and Righty are strong, perhaps we will be a little slow, but will be a slick flying"<br>
_Lefty ? Righty ? she named her wings with childish names ??_<br>
Holding me just below my bosom with her arms, she hops on the sill with a strong wingbeat, and we together
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[[fly in the night]] Circling above the roof, I see that indeed is a quiet, discreet, place, ideal for girl talk: the central part between the two gables is near-flat, only slight arched, and on its edges runs a low parapet, perhaps "parahip" is a better term; nearby it, Miyai is waving her hands toward us above her.<br>
_I should learn the levitation spell sooner: the view from above is very fascinating_...
Azuj's landing was perfect, and she proudly asked "what do you think of Azuj's Air Assistance ?".
We laughed together, then we lie with our backs against the "parahip" which is low enough for being also good wingrests. Hardly a better spot for our
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[[convo under the stars]]Miyai asks me "What do you think of Taily ?" That is, Azuj's tail.<br>
_a question on æsthetics_...<br>
"Well, perhaps stems from my Gift's nature, but I'm more interested in inner beauty", I answered sincerely.
Azuj laughs, then recover her aylisia ribbon from her pocket and ties it on Taily, then wave it with slow and sensual tail swinging, looking mischeviously and at the same time coquettishly at me... _and her smile_...
"Now, Now, Azuj... please be a bit considerate toward Etuye's poor ears..." The voice of Miyai, behind me, says the truth: indeed my ears are *strongly* reacting to Azuj's silent but explicit courtship...
Answering my silent appreciation, Azuj opens the beautifulness of her inner world to me, sharing her very first feelings towards me:<br>
"Even before you enter the Hall this morning..." Azuj pauses, looking at Miyai, who answered with a wing-twitching I can't understand, then continues: " Subtle _felt_ your presence nearby, I don't know how I can explain this feeling, but when you entered the hall, and I saw you, not only my Sanctuary, but also my Subtle, but even my **Soul** reacted together... to your soul, my dear Etuye."<br>
_**dear** Etuye_. two words together which pushed the vibration of my ears to new, faster, levels I never have felt before...
I smiled in acknowledging the mutual nature of our feelings. Her unforgettable welcome stems from the very depth of her chaotic Soul, at the very same time also my Subtle has sensed her... and Miyai, at the very threshold of the Hall.<br>
_Miyai_. Now is clear to me that there's feeling between me and Azuj, but what about Miyai ? She's phlegmatic and reserved, but has already built at least a very strong friendship with Azuj, but I still feel uneasiness in asking directly about their relationship, so I asked about
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[[their arrival here at Pennsaran->A&M meeting]] We look each other, smiled then laughed together. Indeed we are hungry...<br>
Miyai straighten her torso against the "parahip", spreading out her wings on the top of it, unlatch the top of her dress with her hands.<br>
One can write reams and discuss forever on angelic bosoms, but the life-sustaining body part of Miyai can be described with a single word: _gorgeous_.
Azuj, her dress still up to her waist for airing Taily, jumped above me and Miyai, giving to me a fleeting contemplation of her entire area between her legs, a genuinely unintended consequence of her daemonic instincts, chaotic, alluring and carefree.<br>
_the truth of the saying, "daemon-may-care"..._
Azuj lie on the side of Miyai opposite to me, and started suckling from Miyai's left breast, when I hesitate, looking at Miyai's right nipple.<br>
Miyai give a sweet, cute smile to me. "Is your first time" ? Indeed, I have never tasted angelic milk. "Yes..."<br>
Miyai delicately pulled my head toward her breast. "Be gentle..." she encourages me "...Slowly savor the nourishment I'm giving you... Etuye..."<br>
I started drinking Miyai's milk. _Miyai is nurturing me_...<br>
Her milk is by far the sweetest milk I have ever drunk, slight denser, like a cream, and I can't avoid wondering how, tens of millennia ago, the lie about "poisonous" milk can actually work against angel's milk...
Of course, Azuj finished first, and is waiting that I finish my nourishment from Miyai for her turn in nurturing me and Miyai. She seems undecided between lowering her dress first or being totally skyclad.<br>
Miyai suggested the simplest solution to her puzzlement. "Taily deserve more tailspace, dear Azuj, and I suppose that, being aylisia, Etuye will appreciate the whole of you"<br>
the brief wagging of Lefty, Righty and Taily underscore her "D'OH!" moment, then she undresses herself with sensual movements, then lie against the "parahip", Lefty and Righty spread on its top, in a laidback posture.
I and Miyai lie beside Azuj. "of course, is not hot as Dragon's milk" Azuj warns me "but IS hot, so be careful" "Don't worry", I assured her, "isn't the first time I drink daemonic milk".<br>
I started my nurturing from Azuj. Indeed her milk is hot, slightly salty and jornished, as every daemonic milk, but her milk seems a little different...<br>
I looked at Miyai, drinking from the other breast. she's slowly drinking Azuj's milk, as she's calmly savouring the nourishment she receives from Azuj.
Of course, I finished first, and lying supine beside Azuj, I put my hand on my stomach, feeling the warm inside me from the life-sustaining nourishment from Azuj and Miyai. then I realise why Azuj's milk seems different. the feelings from being nurtured by Azuj are at par with the feeling in being nurtured from my ***birth-mother***<br> _only the... deepest... love... can rival a birth-mother's love_...
"Etuye ?" Miyai's voice called me. "it's your turn".<br>
That's, my turn for nourishing the other two. I stand up, and tried to unlatch the top of my dress, but I fumbled. Miyai turns behind me and helped me unlatching the dress.<br>
"it's a pleasant spring night, Etuye Alasne"<br>
Spring, _Alasne_. Etuye Alasne, _Plenty Spring_.<br>
In the thirty or so springs since the day of my First Sustaining, I never have considered my name's meaning in the context of being a life-sustainer...
I lie against the "parahip", and Miyai and Azuj put their mouths on my nipples... and I'm excited as I was during my First Sustaining.<br>
(_Am I nourishing my **significant others**_ ?)<br>
I glanced at Azuj and Miyai drinking my milk, then I closed my eyes, resting my neck on the "parahip" 's top. I prefer feeling the flow of my nurturing milk thru my nipples toward sustaining Miyai's and Azuj's life than watching their drinking...
the strong, fast flow toward Azuj and the slow, methodical flow toward Miyai mirrors their respective characters, one chaotic and impulsive and the other calm and phlegmatic.<br>
From the inside of my nipples to their outside, the lips and tongue of Azuj explicity convey her aylisia sensuality, but on the other nipple, Miyai's simple and slow movements of her tongue and lips don't answer the real question I have about her, the very subject of thousands of elaborate and convoluted anecdotes and jokes about angels: what is Miyai's actual shade, more specifically,
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[[Miyai is Aylisia ?]]Predictability, Azuj finishes first, and we waited the conclusion of Miyai's slow, quiet drinking; Azuj's face reveals that she, like me, is savoring the nourishment. She was to say something when Miyai ended her drinking.<br>
On her face is a tiny, enigmatic smile, stands up, then,
I asked her and Azuj how was my milk. Azuj replies enthusiastically "I have already drunk Miyai's milk, but this time, when your milk joined her milk in my belly... is an entirely different thing !"
"Correct, my dear Azuj. Your and Etuye's milk nurturing together my body is different than the nourishment from your milk alone. on the difference..."<br>
Miyai put her hand between her bosom and her stomach.
"Milk isn't only life-sustaining nourishment. is also the voice of the feelings and of the soul. the difference, dear Azuj, is that our mutual feelings adds up" she pauses. "or, perhaps is more precise that multiply up."<br>
few moments after, her wings fast-twitches in realising something _very_ significant. "now I understand what means..." she murmurs to herself.<br>
"I must tell you my reaction to the inseler" Miyai points downwards, beyond the "parahip", with one of her white wings. "but, first things first, please look below."<br>
I and Azuj look out down: below is the Arcanorum's main common, a very large and well-cared green, the open place where the most important and solemn ceremonies, mainly the Graduation and Ablitation ceremonies, are held.<br>
Miyai explained her reaction to the inseler, with her phlegmatic and calm voice, but you hear a slight shrill of excitement in her voice.
"When I drinked from the inseler, I have a vision of near future, somewhat more than a dozen of year ahead. I see myself, together with both of you, Etuye and Azuj, in front of a large crowd, and in front of that crowd was a frame for the Freezing Light spell, two Magi preparing said spell. We are really well dressed, you, Azuj, in a fierce red, you, Etuye, in aqua and myself in green. the horns of Azuj has a diadem, my head has a silver circlet and Etuye, you have an elvin garland. And everyone else was really well dressed.<br> Then I see the pair of Magi giving a signal to us, and we raised together, smiling, our right hand, and in the shining light of the spell, I see on our wrist the reflection of... of... her voice breaks, but her left hand cover her right wrist, the meaning of the gesture is a _well_ known one.
I stared at the gesture, and azuj gasps, Lefty and Righty spreading in surprise.
(***REALLY ???***)
She looks mischeviously toward me, with an amused smile. "and seems that the Fey side of our triangle can't shake out the thousands upon thousands of anecdotes and jokes on angelic sexuality..."
Her white wings now are twitching mischievously and her lips opens into radiant and, yes, _sensual_ smile.
"Etuye, my **loved** Etuye, I really must be explicit ?" She takes my hand, and Azuj takes my other hand, and Azuj and Miyai takes their free hands.<br>
Miyai simply but solemnly proclaims:<br>
"_all three of us are Aylisia. ***I'm Aylisia !*** I love you, Etuye, as I love you, Azuj_ !"
We're three Aylisia, in love of each other, Soul and body, now we're
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[[bonding together]]We're mutually attracted, body and Soul, our Sanctuaries are connected together at the Subtle level, and we love each other at first sight.<br>
But I still needed a little but not inconsequential thing...
I looked at my lovers:<br>
Azuj is still naked, for Taily's sake, no wonder that Daemons dislike formal garments without tailholes, and Miyai, still holding our hands, is silent, eyes closed, savoring the moment.
then I feel a light and delicate but at the same time passionate and sensual touch on my hinds, and at the same time Azuj's face became cute with her surprised expression.<br>
Miyai's white wings are caressing our hind quarters. a **very** sensual caressing.<br>
I never have imagined how sensual can be the caress from an angel's white feathers to my bottom, but there's no doubt, the real thing is something beyond the most wildest imagination. Needless to say, my ears are fast vibrating.
(_My ears are vibrating for Miyai_...)
Miyai opens her eyes, looking mischievously and alluringly at us. "You now have only scratched the surface of an angel's sensuality. _My_ sensuality." Her nonchalant and matter-of-fact words belies her welcoming of me and Azuj as her lovers. "For a starter, is well-known that for each newborn Branch are three newborn Sanctuaries, but for angels things are a little different.<br> We angels begot **Seven** newborn Sanctuaries for every newborn Branch, so, being aylisia is much more common along angels than among many other species, and is not rare the marriage between three aylisia angels."<br>
We can clearly see the good sense in her proposal. "So, please allow me, at least for the time being, taking the lead in our mutual discovery of our intimacy"
of course, we agree that, indeed
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[[Miyai should take the lead]]Now taking the lead, Miyai gently pulled me toward her and pushed Azuj behind me. Her idea is obvious, and I liked it.<br>
I embraced Miyai and Azuj embraced me from behind; above me forms a twin canopy of white feathered wings and leathery brown wings. Miyai's hands around my hips slowly but firmly pressed my Sanctuary on her Sanctuary, but no rubbing, only the physical contact. and Azuj does the same, her hands around my belly and firmly pressing her Sanctuary on my hind quarters without rubbing.<br>
Actually, this is what we want: feel the physical contact between our warm, living bodies, the mutual pleasure can wait, what we need now is feeling at physical level our bond of being together, in love...
Suddenly I feel _it_ inside my body:
_The Spark_<br>
**The Spark**<br>
***The Spark***<br>
the Spark of True Love...
I don't know how long was our silent "quality time" under the night sky, but we sighed we finally release our embrace.<br>
of course, our first decision together as an aylisia trio was of
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[[chamber together]]Azuj now don her dress, for a reason; she point that is time for taking our first important decision of our now-common life as aylisia trio:
Her words are worth of her Vhorr Knezejiki lineage.<br>
"Miyai, your vision show us where our path lead, but we should, nay, _must_ start following together the path toward it". Her finger trace the thin red braid on her dress. "from the obvious first step. We should chamber together".<br>
The resolve in her gaze and single closing word are worth of her name, Atuzejiki.<br>
Isn't Azuj's usual spontaneous burst of impulsiveness, is the fiery resolve of Atuzejiki, now a fiery searcher, Knezejiki, of the path toward what Miyai sees in her vision.
Miyai hold Azuj's hands. "I fully agree with you, Vhorr Knezejiki Atuzejiki, my loved one."<br>_My loved one... my loved ones, Miyai and Azuj_...<br>
Of course also I agree with Azuj. Lovers always chamber together.
I looked on main courtyard below. The light from the large windows at the first floor below confirms that, as all elder Great Vyrms, Lan sleeps only eight hours every half-month, that is, every eighteen days, and was in her study. Azuj embraces me from behind, winds already spread and after a short flight down to the courtyard, we, arms around our hips, and wings around our shoulders, we walked toward our night talk with Lan, but in a corridor on our way to Lan's study
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[[we meet Unsal]]We're still more than a dozen step from the open door of Lan's study when Lan's voice welcomes us inside.<br>(_actually, I feel her thru my Sanctuary at the same time_...)<br>
We cannot avoid looking around with intense curiosity; after all, is the study of a 12,800 years old Great Wyrm and Grand High Archmage...<br>
the study is very spacious and two stories high, with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves around, some of the highest shelves having doors with keyholes, obviously shelving books either extremely rare or dangerous.<br> _Or both_.<br>
On one end, a massive desk stands, with a large armchair behind, and three very comfy armchairs on its front, and the opposite end is a reading and hosting space, with a low table surrounded by armchairs; separating these two halves, at the centre of the study is an huge and very complex orrery.
Lan patiently waited until we exhausted our curiosity.<br>
"Things never change..." She laughs, amused. "People always stare around the first time they enters in my study. Peculiar privileges of Elders, I suppose."<br>
She smiles. "You're here because you have taken a significant decision, isn't ?" "Yes..." starts Azuj, but Lan stops her. "Please sit here," pointing not at the desk, but at the armchairs around the low table. "and talk together."<br>
We sit around the low table, Azuj delivers our request. "Yes, we have taken a significant decision, we want to chamber together, and of course we request that our chamber is assigned as soon as possible."<br> The broad smile reveal Lan's full approval, and with a finger movement she telekines a folder from her desk to the low table<br>
I read the folder's cover:<br>
"Chambering requests and assignments-Class of 10.146"<br>
Opening the folder, she admit and confess: "Already done. Also, I must apologise for the huge liberty I have taken in sending people to collect your belongings from your lodgings and moving them to your chamber, so, your belongings are already waiting you in your chamber".
we're really surprised. How she can be _so_ sure in advance of our decision ? _The inseler_?
With an amused smile, she takes a parchment and a key from the folder. "Inner left wing, fourth floor, fifth from the front stairway." she smiles toward Miyai "Of course has a small balcony" She put the parchment and key in the hands of Miyai.
That we're surprised and confused is an understatement. Lan sat more confortably on her armchair. "I have also some words for you..."
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[[Lan's words]]
I sit on the bed, then, smiling at each other we lie, together, on the bed.<br>
This day, my first day at the Arcanorum, was a long and definitively eventful one, but I, Azuj and Miyai decidely don't feel the urgency of sleeping.<br>
_We're Sanctuaries, we're Aylisia, we're young, we're in love_...<br>
Of course, for the rest of the night and the great part of the next day we used the bed for all but sleeping, not sleeping until the sun goes to sleep.<br>
During this long, intense and blissful time together on the bed, we begin to discover the inner, intimate, world of each other, confirming the truth of the ancient saying "true lovers became one". And, for me, becoming one with an angel is a something to be lived, not debated. And becoming one with a daemon explains why "horny" has two meanings... Among other things, of course. Oh, also, I never imagined that becoming one with an angel **and** a daemon can be harmonic... and intense...<br>
(_oh, and I still have to ask Miyai and Azuj how was for them becoming one with an elf_...)
The morning after, I never understand how we manage to not be tardy for the first day of lessons, but I remember the heat in my shoulders when we entered the classroom, who erupted in ovation and cheering...
In the next ten years, the cultivation and Toiling of my unique Arts of Soulmancy and Time Scrying, of Miyai's talents in healing Arts, and Azuj's prowess in Engineering Arts turns us into being the Triple Pillar of the Arcanorum of Pennsaran, but I think that all of our class, who became reckoned as a Great Class, together with Lan, the faculty and other classes's students substantially contributes to our academic accomplishments, culminating
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[[fourteen years later]] Unsal Thidon is holding, no, hugging, a bunch of ancient parchments, scrolls and blueprints, rubbing his beard on them, clearly moved.<br>
We remember that Lan wanted that Unsal came to her office for his Ancestor's notes she kept, so we immediately realise what are the papers Unsal hold, and the significance these have for him.
he's a bit surprised in seeing us, but isn't because of his concentration on the ancient Dwarvish writing he held.<br>
"Seems that you have met Lan" I asked "these are Kellas's notes ?"<br>
"Of course, yes ! and well preserved, since the day when Kellas wrote and draw them !"<br>
With an uncanny agility, his large, thick fingers unroll a bit one of the scrolls from the bundle he hold, showing an elaborate watermark-like pattern on its paper. "see ? I'm not an expert in identifying Magic, but this is an earlier version of the stasis spell ! No wonder that these notes written by Kellas 10.000 years ago are still pristine and well readable today !"
He motions toward a large window-sill. "Azuj, do you want to look at a pair of these ? I like to hear your opinion..."<br>
Azuj very courteously declines. "Sorry, Unsal, but I and my..." she briefly pauses. " mates must meet with Lan sooner; besides, I think that Kellas's notes and drawings deserve a much better reading surface than a window sill, isn't ?"<br>
Unsal smiles in recognition of Azuj's good sense. "Oh... Right. Let's meet someday around a more appropriate table. Oh, now that I remember, when I taken my leave from her, Lan asked to say to you that she's waiting you".
We're surprised, but we bid our farewell to Unsal and, puzzled, go onward toward our
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[[night talk with Lan]]"Miyai, Azuj, Etuye..." Lan starts "You have discovered your mutual love, isn't ?" She broadly smiles. "And you're now together... _again_, isn't ?" She look intently in my eyes. "Etuye, I feel that there's a major reason of your unique Gifts, Soulmancy and Time Scrying..." She pauses. "Is only an hunch, but is an hunch from my long life, but I think that your gifts combined can explain that "again".
"Azuj, do you know that, also because very few people has the Gift of Soulmancy, no one has designed, less so maked, tools or instruments for Soulmancy ? And the same is for Time Scrying" Azuj nodded, realising what Lan was to ask from her. "Lan, don't worry. My Fiery Resolve is already committed to support my two loved ones, Miyai and Etuye, whatever Etuye needs as a Soulmancer and Time Scryer, will be done !" Her hand hold my hand so tightly that I feel sure that she **will** do everything I need.
"Miyai... Etuye's Ways are two of the very least known and understand, an unexplored land full of mysteries and dangers, but I'm sure that you can heal Etuye and Azuj's wounds, body and soul." Of course, Miyai hold tight my hand. "I, Miryarai Nilasi Yie, will always heal, nurture and support my loved ones !"
Lan smiles, impressed by our determination. "As you know, the lessons starts in the earnest the day after tomorrow, so, please don't think much about the future". She winks. "So, live your present to the fullest, together, in your new chamber."
Afterwards, We thanked and take our leave from our Rector and Classmate, and we walked, embraced, toward
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[[our chamber]]"Fifth room... **This** !!" Azuj exclaims, pointing to our chamber's door.<br>
We looked each other in our eyes: the threshold of this door is the threshold of our living together.<br>
After two fumblings, Miyai opens the door and we enter in our chamber.
(_**our** chamber_...)
We look around: our chamber is very spacious, with a large common wardrobe, a low eating table with cushions around, and a study table, with a spacious bookshelf conveniently nearby, and an armchair in a corner. A door leads to the relief room, and a window-door to the balcony, but where our eyes are more on is the bed, its size being more than enough for two winged and one wingless aylisia...<br>
(_My ears... are strongly vibrating in **anticipation**_...)
"Now, Now, Etuye... let's get comfortable and settle here first...".<br>
Azuj indeed is untying Miyai's cape, so I reach behind her and unlatch the top of her dress. slowly and calmly, Miyai untie her belt and doff her dress.<br>
"My, My, Etuye, it's the first time you see an angel fully naked ?"<br>
Indeed, I have only heard about Angel's pubic down, but the sight of Miyai's little, white, fluffy and soft down around her Sanctuary is another thing...<br>
(_why people waste so many words on Angelic sex ?? is to be seen, not debated_...)
Azuj quickly doff her cape and dress, then throw them on a corner, doing a strange gesture with Taily toward her garments, surely an unrefined gesture.<br>
"Azuj, Azuj... Sharing a chamber with two other people you love needs a modicum of order, isn't ?".<br>
Azuj scratched her head at the base of her horns, perplexed.<br>
"Oh, well" sighed Miyai, putting her cape and dress orderly on the armchair. "Let's organise this wardrobe tomorrow." she notes.
Now I doff my cape and dress. The fast twitching of admiration of Miyai's wings and the silent contemplation of Azuj reveal that my Great fey æsthetic is acknowledged (and appreciated)
Now Miyai sits on our bed (_*our* bed_...) and the twitching of expectancy and anticipation of her wings and her mischievous eyes and smile invites me and Azuj to join her on the bed...
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[[Go to sleep (?)]] of course, after our rather successful Toiling here at Pennsaran, with many major accomplishments in Subtle Arts and mundane crafts and arts, culminating with our taking together the highest form of marriage, we became really well known in all Railei.<br>
But now we justly wanted a gross or so of years of quiet but active enough life, not only as Magi and Researchers, but first and foremost as _Lovers_.
Azuj found a nice and cozy place, not too far from Pennsaran, thus allowing a solid contact with Arcanorum and Brotherhood activities:<br>
A quiet but not quaint little rural place north of Sarneste called Luroz, where, beyond the farmland westward, lies a relatively small mansion with a good estate around, once the estate of a Magi, now deserted since his passing.
We meet the local Mayor, who was more than helpful for contacting his heirs, and we bought the estate at a very low price.
Of course, turning a deserted mansion of a late old Magi into a nice, cozy Nest for three young Magi requires some time, but in somewhat more than a pair of years will be ready...
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[[FINIS]]* [[In the beginning...]]
* [[enter Dragoness]]
* [[Teddy bear tale]]
* [[Inseler tale]]
* [[first eating together]]
* [[convo under the stars]]
* [[fourteen years later]]
"And they happily live together"... forever !
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#**THE END**
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**PGdE, 26 Agosto 2024.**